#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Aerial Cable ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_33711F51_3D9B_3042_41C8_5BBC76E1A7A1.html =
Microsystems and Engineering Sciences Applications (MESA)

Welcome to MESA, home of Sandia’s advanced nuclear weapons research, design and development functions, as well as integrated materials research, and the production facilities for microsystem technologies.

Focused primarily on the nuclear weapons mission, the facilities that make up MESA ultimately connect with all of Sandia's mission areas via microsystems research and applications.

After eight years of construction, MESA was completed in 2007 at a cost of $518 million. It was Sandia's largest construction project since the Labs' first permanent buildings were built in the 1940s.

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898 Lobby

Building 898 is a three-story, partially pre-fabricated, facility housing offices and light laboratories. Designed as an integrated facility promoting interaction among groups via workspace blocks, the building sports a postmodern, high-tech industrial design. The soaring lobby and high ceilings create an open and empowering environment for the design work housed here.
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Gowning Room

Clean rooms environments are kept clean both by limiting the volume of particles introduced to the space and by constantly moving the air to remove particles. Workers wear protective garments to reduce the number of contaminants they introduce to the room. This changing station allows staff to put on appropriate layers prior to entering a clean room; additional changing rooms allow for full changes of clothing.
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858 Lobby

Originally built in the late 1980s to house the Manufacturing Development Laboratory and its offices, Building 858 expanded significantly when 858EF (the MicroFab) and 858EL (MicroLab) were added as part of the MESA construction. The building houses wafer manufacturing, compound semiconductor fabrication, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) production, and electronic circuit manufacturing.
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The MESA Microsystems Fabrication facility is one of the most complex buildings at Sandia. It is the first in the world to combine silicon processing with fabrication of compound semiconductors under one roof. This is the heart of microsystem manufacturing, done primarily in cleanrooms.

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858 SiliconFab

Building 898 is a three-story, partially pre-fabricated, facility housing offices and light laboratories. Designed as an integrated facility promoting interaction among groups via workspace blocks, the building sports a postmodern, high-tech industrial design. Its polished stone and steel and glass exterior includes curvilinear walled ribbons of windows leading to the northeast entrance, and extended wings with sun-protecting louvered windows. The soaring lobby and high ceilings create an open and empowering environment for the design work housed here.
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898 Corridor

State-of-the-art videoconferencing and stunning projection capabilities make the VIEWS Corridor a prime viewing and sharing spot for scientific computing displays. Output from the visualization tools used in Sandia's high performance computing arena can be projected in 3D. The area is a magnet for VIP visits and tours.

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858 Photolith Lab

Sandia maintains a clean room outside of the MicroFab area for its photolithography processes. This allows the MESA workers to develop and maintain customized processes without disruption to the manufacturing effort.

### Tooltip Image_4B679893_40F0_1B47_41CD_B75F2E07DBC5.toolTip = Close ## Media ### Title album_F16C101E_C746_5283_41D2_B859FE9F863E.label = Getting the Shot map_4D9ED5C2_4609_4025_41CC_59E05FC50AE8.label = Aerial Cable Tour Map panorama_6E80087D_7ECB_3F5B_41DF_50059F8B7B39.label = Main Building panorama_6E80E1AB_7ECB_D1FF_41C5_03E054F24EAF.label = Test Arena panorama_6E815AB8_7ECB_73DA_41DE_7C8D91A779B5.label = Cable Winch Area panorama_C73BCA84_C9C6_B60B_41C2_23C6AAF9143B.label = Control Room photo_438804CE_5A08_C03D_41BF_8E6B6FA94045.label = VT AERIAL CABLE5312_Winch Control Room photo_4B78B6E0_4639_C1E5_41A9_3CA117F9A394.label = VT AERIAL CABLE5191_Mock B61 H photo_4B78E29B_4639_405B_419C_3F5A9EFC943E.label = VT AERIAL CABLE5181_Mock B61 V photo_4B78FDF7_4639_C3EB_41AA_8BB525ECD322.label = VT AERIAL CABLE5213_Tank Front View photo_4B78FE44_4639_402D_418C_B8AA6E858C4A.label = VT AERIAL CABLE5111_Control Room team.jpg photo_4B7B1A26_4639_406D_41BA_060A017D5084.label = VT AERIAL CABLE5016_Control Room Monitor photo_4B7B2135_4639_406F_41C9_8444FC211A21.label = VT AERIAL CABLE5139_Control Room Switcher photo_547D8D87_4619_402B_4193_9F789B4DAD36.label = VT AERIAL CABLE-3 photo_6A64FD5D_7F75_42D6_41D7_E1966C70D525.label = Cable 2 pulling down B61-12 photo_6BFEF9D0_7F4B_422E_41D5_C902DC29CF07.label = Bat Jump crop photo_6CE9DE16_7EFB_5E52_41D3_3A54FCE434B8.label = Deer on hill in Las Cruces New Mexico photo_82E8066A_9390_B97F_41CC_E888F48E641F.label = Potential Gradient warning system photo_833A9F71_9390_C76D_41BF_FF467FAA1141.label = VT AERIAL CABLE5104_Weather photo_9C1D1065_9391_D975_41D2_C3668C158ADD.label = All Seeing Eye photo_C8F5EEE2_C342_4F83_41D2_E1515BDCBF3C.label = Trupac Drop Test Set-up copy photo_CBA8C295_C341_F781_41E9_388FA3DFD3AC.label = Cable 1 photo_CD499BFC_C346_3587_41DA_7D172A1E5360.label = B61-12 Drop non yeilding target photo_CDC4DE03_C343_CE81_41DA_8FC71F755C7C.label = Cable 2 photo_CF3737FA_C0C2_DD83_41E3_E95F799C8DED.label = Fiber Optic Cable photo_D173A0CE_C142_F383_41DA_0858614BE5F3.label = Pully photo_D19D45FD_C142_3D81_41E8_63C4B5BEB8D8.label = Bunker Area photo_D606A4E2_C1C6_7383_41D2_A6E59A94B0C4.label = 9A4A8416 photo_D67337BF_C1C2_3D81_4186_162AEFADC361.label = 9A4A8409 photo_D7829CC9_C1C1_D381_41BF_F4A0E4FCBBE1.label = 9A4A8423 photo_D79C4CBC_C1C2_5387_41E2_40DEA0FDDA20.label = 9A4A8427 photo_D7EC50EA_C1CE_D383_41E3_58608B9EF155.label = 9A4A8417 photo_DDD35269_D6C2_6753_41C0_CC0D405418A9.label = PulleyEastSideOfWestAnchorPoint photo_F07EB8EE_C74E_5383_41E7_884EAA441679.label = ACF Aerial View photo_F191438A_C0C2_5583_41C9_9A099183DD35.label = Cable Inspection video_CAC033F3_C346_5581_41B5_B088E30C2454.label = Canyon Graphic video_CC29D193_C342_7581_41D3_2BA5FA03B78A.label = RocketSled video_D2A3508C_C0C6_3387_41DF_DE45E8AACFAE.label = EarlyMorningPrep video_D2F88CFE_C0C3_D380_41D3_5D60E9F4AF4E.label = ControlRoom video_D4A2AAD6_C142_5783_41DA_B7DAE15A1492.label = CountDownShot ## Popup ### Body htmlText_2678B5F3_36AA_BBCA_41C1_8EE572C49CAC.html =
This console is being used to monitor lightning and potential gradient (which is the rate of change of electric potential with respect to distance in the direction of the greatest change). For the safety of the personnel and the test itself, it's important to keep a constant eye on any nearby lightning storms in order to be sure there aren't any shocking results.
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The winch house has a system with a screen that is used to monitor the tension on the cables, and houses controls for adjusting cable height.
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This light is the Potential Gradient warning system. Potential gradient (the rate of change of electric potential with respect to distance in the direction of the greatest change) is monitored when explosives are being used. The static electricity in the area can be dangerous when using electrostatic sensitive explosives. This light warns of dangerous levels; if the potential gradient gets within a certain limit, the warning will turn yellow and then red, providing a visual warning.
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One function of this console (the consoles are modular and can be used for whatever function needed), is to track weather. Wind speed, pressure and lightning are all factors that must be considered when testing outside.
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The site has four primary cable systems that span two ridges on either side of the canyon area with the test arena. Each cable can be raised and lowered to lift items to varying positions and orientations above the ground. Heavy items can be lifted and dropped from about 100 feet, while lighter items can be raised to almost 630 feet.
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This trolley doesn't deliver a San Francisco treat, but it does make for an excellent test target or platform. This cable is equipped with a special trolley retrieval system, which is a custom winching system that moves a fixture along the cable like a tramcar to capture the test trolley where it stops. During aerial trolley testing, the trolleys traverse the aerial cable and simulate the movements of an object in flight. The trolley moves along the cable, positioned by the truck winch and S5 winch.
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The Aerial Cable Facility hard target was developed in the 1980s as a non-yielding surface, making it one of the only certified facilities available for container tests. This target is used for rocket-assisted pull-down tests as well as certain types of drop tests. The target has a mass of about 900,000 kg and is designed not to fail after repeated impacts. This is due to the use of materials such as concrete and armor steel plating. A 55,000 lb. TruPac3 is the largest package dropped on it to date.
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Cable 2, which originally came from the Sandia tram, is the main cable pull down. It does not move during a test. It intersects with the sled track on the hillside to the east, which is used to accelerate items on the cable. Cable 2 is also used for impact onto the hard target (the flat concrete pad slightly to the west in the test arena).
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Cable 1 is a single piece of cable attached to a slider beam that can be raised for impact. It goes west over the top of the hill to a trolley winch that is used to move the cable back and forth.
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Nah, it couldn't have been... could it?
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... just in case!
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To accelerate the impact of a test unit, steel track extends up the hillside to the east of the main arena. The track is 630 feet, which is covered in a few seconds by a rocket-powered sled. The rocket fires from the bottom of the hill and roars upwards, hitting in the catcher box of sand at the top at 1000 feet per second.
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The Nuclear Security Enterprise has more work in developing, testing, and producing modifications for the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile than it has had in the past three decades. The B61-12 Life Extension Program - developing a new modification for the venerable B61 weapon design­ - is one of the efforts underway to renew and extend U.S. nuclear capabilities.
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Fiber optic and coaxial cable run from the Control Room to the arena. There are seven patch stations at ground zero in the test arena that can be plugged in to capture data.
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This console is monitoring the test activity through a surveillance system. There are cameras located around the facility and various stations in the test arena. Cameras are used to verify nonessential personnel are outside the hazard area during explosive operations as well as keep an eye on the state of the arena post-test.
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The fancy little control module with all the cool lights controls the camera server. There are six cameras connected to this central control, allowing an operator to see whatever they need on the video monitors of the control room.
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During a test, there may be 10-12 people in the control room, including the customer who is there to watch. Of those dozen or so people, three are actually controlling the test, following a detailed procedure document open on the console. A cable pull-down test requires a lot of firing sets to manually fire, so a programmed sequencer does the firing with a pre-set activation.
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Control of a test takes place almost a mile from the test arena, however the arena is kept in clear view thanks to several cameras that show on the screens of the recently updated control room. Because it's so far away, the communication links are repeatedly checked and tested. During test set-up, troubleshooting is supported from the control room as technicians consult and advise workers at the arena. And yes, it does look a little like the Batcave in here.
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The early bird gets the worm, or in this case, a successful test. Before the rockets and drops and cables and impacts and all the exciting stuff, a lot of work needs to be done to make sure the test is not only successful, but executed safely. All of the preparation and safety checks begin early in the morning, long before the sun comes up, so when the test goes down, it can do so without a hitch.
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This panel is the arming and firing panel, which requires two turn keys to operate. Kind of like firing missiles from a submarine... but, totally different... because this facility is in a desert... and isn't firing missiles... but turning the keys is still kind of cool!
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In this dry, rocky terrain, away from the hustle and bustle of city life, wildlife thrives, almost ignoring the fact that there are people trying to get some testing done here. One can find everything from rattlesnakes to foxes to mountain lions to deer in the area, often crossing from one ridge to the other. At times, that means a test may be delayed, allowing a few deer to wander across the testing arena before testing can resume.
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Upgrades were recently made to the control room to help make it more comfortable and functional. The new control room was designed around the needs of the various teams who conduct tests here so they might perform their functions more efficiently. New fiber was also run from ground zero to the control, helping to provide greater control and less clutter. Upgrades not only improved equipment, but communication among teams by creating a less crowded room.
Control panels are modular, so teams don't always have to sit in just one area. There's also a space now for classified projects. The console on the left is currently set up to track weather. The console on the right monitors lightning and potential gradient.
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The Aerial Cable Facility uses the same kind of 40 mm cable as the Sandia Tram (https://sandiapeak.com). In fact, Cables 1 and 2 are made of two pieces from an old cable used at the tram. Each spool of cable is 45,000 lbs, with just one foot of cable weighing around 6 lbs. The cable used to be Kevlar rope, however that was switched to the 40 mm after the facility was updated in 2003.
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This bunker looks really impressive, doesn't it? Must have something good in it, right? Not currently it doesn't. Now it's just used for storage. However, there was a time where this bunker housed the original control building. However, when the new main building was built, this bunker was emptied and now is just an imposing looking storage closet.
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You may notice something that looks a lot like a bomb here in the garage, but don't worry, it's not a real one. These bomb mock-ups are used for calibration tests where teams practice getting the unit to the right height so the rocket sled can reach the right velocity for the test.
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The winch site is just over the mountain and to the west of the test arena. In the control room at the Winch Site, an operator manages the load on the cable. The winch operator also communicates with the lead rigging operator back at the arena and adjusts cable heights and tensions per the rigging operator's instructions.
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The tests done at the Aerial Cable Facility involve high-precision work in incredibly difficult environments. A test device suspended from the cable, perhaps pulled down by a rocket on the nearby sled track, must hit the target at a specified velocity, and make contact at a particular point and angle. These are large masses, traveling fast, making contact with reinforced concrete, all making for some pretty spectacular collisions.
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Construction on the current Aerial Cable Facility began in 1970 with the goal of providing an upgraded alternative to the old Aerial Cable Facility. By 1971, the site had cables suspended between the mountain ridges to the east and west of the canyon, a poured concrete hard target, and a 630-ft. long sled track. A few years later, an additional cable was added to accommodate aerial flight tests for the military services. In 1984-1985, work was completed on adding a cable over a test arena to the north of the original test arena. This arena and cable supported antitank drop tests.
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This is the Aerial Cable's garage. It's a lot like your garage at home. It has tools. It has clutter. It has projects in various stages of completion. Here teams build whatever may be needed for testing, including modifying pulleys to add a cutter which will slice through a plasma rope during a pull-down test. Speaking of which, that plasma rope is actually weaved by hand here in the garage. Who knew basket weaving could be such a vital skill?
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One of the more unique features found at the Ariel Cable Facility is a long line of vintage tanks next to the road as one drives out to the testing arena. The tanks were brought in for testing, although not all of them were used for testing. Specifically, tanks were brought in during the 1980s for different programs that were conducting antitank drop tests. Over the years they've been dragged around and re-configured multiple times. They reason they're all line up like this because the Aerial Cable Testing Facility conducts a variety of testing, some of it classified. During one of those tests these tanks were set up as an extra and hopefully intimidating wall to help prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing the site. Around 30 of vintage tanks were used to build the wall.
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That's not an entrance to the Batcave, rather, all communications and cables from the control room run into the bunker at the arena. This bunker has housed instrumentation and communications over time, but it has never been used to run an actual test.
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A running line tensionometer measures the load on a cable and feeds data back to the control room at the Winch Site. During test preparation, an operator at the winch site control room is verbally providing data to the lead rigging operator at ground zero. The lead rigging operator is communicating with all winch operators before, during and after test activities to make sure everything is in a safe state.
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The cable system consists of an assortment of pulleys, tack blocks, and rigging hardware in order to meet test requirements at the test arena.
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The cable at the winch house is a smaller gauge than the cable in the arena. The smaller cable extends to the trolley, which is then connected to the larger cable that extends over to the arena.
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The cable is load-tested at 630 feet above the test arena. Annual verification checks are done on the system along with various load tests. Overall, the system can't exceed 19,500 lbs, which is monitored at the Winch House when load testing is being conducted.
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Once a year, the entire cable is inspected. It is lowered to as low a point as possible in the arena, then inspected by hand. The inspection follows a written procedure, and there are miles of cable to inspect.
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North of the main test arena is a smaller test area. There is no concrete target here, just a dirt arena. Smaller cables service this test area and it is used for smaller tests.
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The Aerial Cable Facility has undertaken a variety of tests over the years. The site supports aerial trolley testing, artillery and gun firing, air-to-ground testing, air drop testing, gravity-drop/pull-down testing, explosives testing, rocket rail testing, sensor testing, and laser tracking. What that all means is at this facility they can drop it, pull it, fire it in the air with artillery or a missile, detect it, and track it, all to provide a huge amount of data to understand the device being tested.
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For photometric operations, high-speed cameras are placed around and above the target to capture the entire test. The cameras are calibrated with a spotted board at four locations on the target.
### Title window_0256FFAF_0DC3_7060_4199_40EB3C2B6EBF.title = Prepping Early window_0691A7A9_09E8_FC23_418D_634317EB2828.title = Console Function: Weather Monitoring window_06EE4133_09FB_9427_41A3_4F12DCA6D3A8.title = Types of Tests window_071C94FA_09F9_9C21_416E_46F441AC2358.title = Rocket Sled Track window_071F1427_09F9_FC2F_4196_31CB7AB29AFC.title = Preventing Shock, Not Awe window_0748C1CB_09FF_B467_41A3_5F0C8482227A.title = Testing with the Tram window_074AF81A_09F8_93E1_4192_AF642C0DC121.title = Cable 2: Main Cable window_077212CA_09EB_B461_4195_95AE8BD2E02B.title = Communicating is the Key window_0775C2E2_09E9_F421_419D_85D3600DC859.title = How it all began... window_199A6CCB_09E8_8C67_419D_817871119D0E.title = Controlling the Test window_26258BAB_376A_A85A_41C0_C791E79C913F.title = Feeling Tense? window_2676E9BE_3766_6BBA_41A5_941B81AF5CEF.title = Cable to Cable window_3859974A_36EF_B8DA_41B3_250248824843.title = Non-Yielding Target window_425437FF_5A09_4FDB_41C7_0EFB1816EB7F.title = The Winch House window_57631860_4619_40E5_41B7_FCC6DA2B210C.title = More Choices: The North Arena window_647F32EE_760E_7496_41D5_D094A85C1561.title = The Ultimate Garage window_651737A5_760E_1C8A_41CA_2B2A25576B94.title = What's That Bunker For? window_6614A3BB_763A_14FE_41D9_5F3C723487B5.title = Upgrades Making the Difference window_661905D7_7616_1CB6_41C8_956CF4167F0F.title = The Winch Site window_665A951A_760A_1DBE_41DC_E513652DA701.title = As the Key Turns window_6683E9C6_760A_1496_41D2_5CAD1D500B00.title = Tanks for the Memories window_6691E7E9_761A_1C9A_41D5_A6718C4887A0.title = A Tremendous Load window_66BAE87F_760A_1476_41D8_E013C20D897B.title = Wait... was that? window_674C8C8E_763E_0C96_41B6_2153DED6CE83.title = It's (kind of) a Jungle Out There window_6B65D872_7F7D_42D2_4197_F62666671BB9.title = Getting the Shot window_6E9B7876_7EB4_C2D2_41D2_C06FA5F07202.title = Precision Testing window_788AED1A_761A_0DBE_41C6_747511CB21A4.title = Don't Worry, It's Not Real window_7894010E_761E_1596_41A1_161CEDFF4AD9.title = Miles of Cable to Inspect window_78E70F0E_761E_0D96_41D3_2F534D62F9DE.title = An Impressive Bunker window_78F6D85A_76A9_647A_41D7_22B4E826E60A.title = Testing the B61-12 window_790C79A9_7636_149A_41A6_55F415A8AC8E.title = Lightning Station window_798FC511_7616_3D8A_41CE_931FDD16B534.title = Pulleys window_7998E81C_760A_33BA_41DB_C3C461E3D305.title = Ding! Ding! Ding! Went the Trolley window_79A7B18C_763A_149A_41D1_56A56C4AD938.title = Video: A Room with Total Control window_81A252D1_9393_79AD_41C1_BC7E881AA5FF.title = Console Function: Surveillance window_820D6F9D_93F3_C7D5_41DF_BD3456401106.title = Video: A Canyon of Cables window_D0A6BE83_EF4D_E113_41AC_6619638C0C1E.title = The All Seeing Eye window_D760C266_EF74_6115_41E4_7DD95CB8CC56.title = This is just a whiteboard... window_FDFC120D_EDD8_B51F_41D8_B387667C9A91.title = Cable 1 ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotMapOverlayArea_420580CF_5A3B_403B_41D1_DB06AA974D05.toolTip = Ground Zero HotspotMapOverlayArea_4350072E_5A3F_407D_4193_CD29F0FF2E14.toolTip = Main Building HotspotMapOverlayArea_445F0EC2_5A39_C025_41D1_1A4FD0C9009E.toolTip = Control Room HotspotMapOverlayArea_44F8C766_5A38_C0ED_41CD_1DDDA17C87A9.toolTip = Cable Winch Area HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_26224939_376B_A846_41C8_A108ECEA77E6.toolTip = The Winch House HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_27E3B1A6_36AA_D84A_41C7_02FF20775517.toolTip = Lightning Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_388EA5CF_36F9_DBDA_41B6_9EC01282C849.toolTip = Fun Fact: Tanks for the Memories HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_38C0DBB2_36BA_A84A_41C4_404F7C13D5C0.toolTip = Console Function: Weather Monitoring HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3913BDE9_36A6_ABC6_41A0_30EB7BABD5F1.toolTip = Preventing Shock, Not Awe HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_70955C41_7EBB_C22E_41AA_1F0CE56C5D8D.toolTip = Control Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9D5380B3_9391_79ED_41A1_CBC3274BFB1C.toolTip = Test Arena HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C8101DF6_C0CE_4D83_41D7_0F7D6DC95732.toolTip = Wait... was that? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CA157AAB_C342_F781_41E7_E4C739E866A0.toolTip = Video: A Canyon of Cables HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CA22DB8A_C0CE_5583_41E2_EA24C9D84126.toolTip = Ding! Ding! Ding! Went the Trolley HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CA8F8C3B_C342_5281_41DF_DDFAA8F3BAEE.toolTip = Cable 1 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CC6B2C8B_C0C6_3381_41E4_66DDDF8240B5.toolTip = Fun Fact: This is just a whiteboard ... HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CCEBFDF5_C346_4D81_4198_2E2AA02CC95B.toolTip = Video: Rocket Sled Track HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CD22127D_C346_5681_41E7_3F5B688DA6A6.toolTip = Jump to Cable Winch Area HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CD31EFAC_C342_4D87_41DF_75DEC3BE6F55.toolTip = Testing the B61-12 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CD6FD815_C34E_7281_41A4_E6B2321FC4B5.toolTip = Non-Yielding Target HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CDE8DA0E_C342_7683_41E5_079A51ACB0A9.toolTip = Cable 2: Main Cable HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF1DE369_C0C7_D681_41E5_754B803E8DC7.toolTip = Fun Fact: It's (kind of) a Jungle Out There HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_CF5475E2_C0C6_3D83_41E3_975B820D8EF3.toolTip = Fun Fact: The All Seeing Eye HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D00E3593_C0CE_3D81_41A5_71DA26CDB2B1.toolTip = Controlling the Test HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D059E7DD_C0C1_DD81_41E4_5BFB73431761.toolTip = Communicating is the Key HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D09C7987_C0C1_F581_41CD_D30E7EDCB5D2.toolTip = Video: A Room with Total Control HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D0A5AD13_C0C2_5281_41D8_28DC98CBDC32.toolTip = Video: Prepping Early HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D120540F_C0C2_3281_41C1_29B12BC4DA2C.toolTip = An Impressive Bunker HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D1842F3B_C0FE_CE81_41E2_819A43816D14.toolTip = Upgrades Making the Difference HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D1C179DD_C0C2_D581_41E0_B1C6E3973096.toolTip = Fun Fact: As the Key Turns HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D1C8B5C8_C1C2_3D8F_41D5_BDDD4EC20F5D.toolTip = Fun Fact: Testing with the Tram HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D1CD69EB_C0DE_5581_41D4_09B9020CF942.toolTip = Console Function: Surveillance HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D41A6EEF_C146_4F81_41D2_710011D755A8.toolTip = Fun Fact: Miles of Cable to Inspect HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D48BEFF0_C142_4D9F_41E2_CA3A1F9E14C0.toolTip = Fun Fact: Don't Worry, It's Not Real HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D4E899CE_C0C2_3583_41DD_39EDD033F653.toolTip = History Tidbits: How it all began... HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D584686A_C0C2_3283_41D6_AA173AE82473.toolTip = The Ultimate Garage HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D5B62F0C_C142_4E87_41DE_F653D1866012.toolTip = Jump to Main Building HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D5F7604F_C14E_3281_41DD_FE9FA868F45C.toolTip = Pulleys HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D6B499AA_C0C1_D583_41D1_7B0F31D691C2.toolTip = Video: Precision Testing HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D7374CA9_C1C6_F381_41CE_177C33BE8F5F.toolTip = The Winch Site HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D7BAE9E7_C1C2_3581_41CE_5224F3063DA5.toolTip = A Tremendous Load HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D7CC2E56_C146_4E83_41E8_4701192A9F59.toolTip = What's That Bunker For? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D7E211A2_C1C6_3583_41C3_FBB21A73AC24.toolTip = Feeling Tense? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D7E8B471_C1C2_5281_41E8_3994A0AC0195.toolTip = Cable to Cable HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F04CD8B5_C743_D381_41E9_3344704E9ADD.toolTip = More Choices: The North Arena HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F08E0241_C742_D681_41D0_9E8512D7585B.toolTip = Slide Show: Getting the Shot HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F1F51821_C74E_7281_41DC_A87D26EA4FFF.toolTip = Types of Tests ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_C7D30F60_CD1E_FE02_41D4_C9CFEF4C1E39.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/tours.html LinkBehaviour_C7D32F60_CD1E_FE02_41E0_F2C8C14423EB.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/support.html LinkBehaviour_C7D3AF60_CD1E_FE02_41B6_B5A2664CDE08.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/ACF/ACF_info.html LinkBehaviour_C7D3EF60_CD1E_FE02_41E1_5861968BB0B4.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/tours.html