#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Infrastructure ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_33711F51_3D9B_3042_41C8_5BBC76E1A7A1.html =
Microsystems and Engineering Sciences Applications (MESA)

Welcome to MESA, home of Sandia’s advanced nuclear weapons research, design and development functions, as well as integrated materials research, and the production facilities for microsystem technologies.

Focused primarily on the nuclear weapons mission, the facilities that make up MESA ultimately connect with all of Sandia's mission areas via microsystems research and applications.

After eight years of construction, MESA was completed in 2007 at a cost of $518 million. It was Sandia's largest construction project since the Labs' first permanent buildings were built in the 1940s.

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898 Lobby

Building 898 is a three-story, partially pre-fabricated, facility housing offices and light laboratories. Designed as an integrated facility promoting interaction among groups via workspace blocks, the building sports a postmodern, high-tech industrial design. The soaring lobby and high ceilings create an open and empowering environment for the design work housed here.
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This is it? Not at all.

Sandia’s a big place. Tours for Health Services, Emergency Operations Center, Shipping and Receiving, Facilities, and Training are all coming soon.
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Gowning Room

Clean rooms environments are kept clean both by limiting the volume of particles introduced to the space and by constantly moving the air to remove particles. Workers wear protective garments to reduce the number of contaminants they introduce to the room. This changing station allows staff to put on appropriate layers prior to entering a clean room; additional changing rooms allow for full changes of clothing.
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858 Lobby

Originally built in the late 1980s to house the Manufacturing Development Laboratory and its offices, Building 858 expanded significantly when 858EF (the MicroFab) and 858EL (MicroLab) were added as part of the MESA construction. The building houses wafer manufacturing, compound semiconductor fabrication, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) production, and electronic circuit manufacturing.
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The MESA Microsystems Fabrication facility is one of the most complex buildings at Sandia. It is the first in the world to combine silicon processing with fabrication of compound semiconductors under one roof. This is the heart of microsystem manufacturing, done primarily in cleanrooms.

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858 SiliconFab

Building 898 is a three-story, partially pre-fabricated, facility housing offices and light laboratories. Designed as an integrated facility promoting interaction among groups via workspace blocks, the building sports a postmodern, high-tech industrial design. Its polished stone and steel and glass exterior includes curvilinear walled ribbons of windows leading to the northeast entrance, and extended wings with sun-protecting louvered windows. The soaring lobby and high ceilings create an open and empowering environment for the design work housed here.
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898 Corridor

State-of-the-art videoconferencing and stunning projection capabilities make the VIEWS Corridor a prime viewing and sharing spot for scientific computing displays. Output from the visualization tools used in Sandia's high performance computing arena can be projected in 3D. The area is a magnet for VIP visits and tours.

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858 Photolith Lab

Sandia maintains a clean room outside of the MicroFab area for its photolithography processes. This allows the MESA workers to develop and maintain customized processes without disruption to the manufacturing effort.

HTMLText_BB84D5A8_B654_1FF6_41E2_902727A701E8.html =
This is it? Not at all.

Sandia's a big place. Tours for Health Services, Emergency Operations Center and Shipping and Receiving are coming soon.
### Tooltip Image_02660285_0E00_2E70_419F_BF922C63737B.toolTip = Contact Us Image_4B679893_40F0_1B47_41CD_B75F2E07DBC5.toolTip = Close Image_59BCFB6D_5130_C1C9_41BE_D0E39DB625B5.toolTip = Return to tour information page ## Media ### Description photo_247B2E37_2A65_1032_41AA_0A1AF247CAE9.description = In 1959, manufactured lots of close tolerance parts for weapon systems did not work when they arrived at Sandia. Contaminants were getting into the manufacturing process. The problem was solved by a significant improvement on existing clean room designs. In 1962, the Atomic Energy Commission filed a patent for the Ultra Clean Room design in the name of Willis Whitfield. Whitfield's innovation was to keep air moving through a space to constantly clean it. The contaminant issue was solved; the impact extended to food handling, surgery, and ultimately, to silicon chip manufacturing. In 2007, Whitfield's achievement was honored in the MESA complex with a bronze sculpture by former Sandian Neal McEwen. photo_C15D4804_CF02_6A87_41E8_A27806CD6814.description = The fleet of vehicles Sandia uses at the New Mexico site includes everything from the small gas and electric carts used to zip between buildings in the Tech Areas to flatbeds and bulldozers. photo_CB0B3D99_CD0E_2581_41E3_86022A5EABAD.description = In 1960, Sandia expanded the number of tracking stations at the range and replaced Askania phototheodolites with Contraves cinetheodolites. The Contraves tower represents the theodolite tracking activities at the range from 1960 until the 1980s when all such tracking was finally moved from towers to mobile Contraves units. photo_CB27CE96_CD0E_2783_41AD_71982C6F5481.description = Sandia established Tonopah Test Range in 1956 for ballistic and impact testing of weapon designs. By the summer of 1957, rocket testing was added to the site as part of the preparation for the Operation Hardtack series of nuclear test shots in the Pacific, scheduled for 1958. For Hardtack, Sandia developed the Doorknob rocket system to carry diagnostic instrumentation and to gather radiochemical samples during the high-altitude nuclear test shots. photo_CC2EB05A_CEFE_1A83_41DD_2DE3D357AAF6.description = Located outside of Sandia's fabrication facility, the Microsystems Engineering Science and Applications (MESA) water fountain design is an abstraction of silicon wafer production - water breaks the stones of a mountain into fine silica that is used in the wafers of microelectronics manufacturing. The water in the fountain moves over natural stone, then down over more modern materials such as cut stone and concrete and cascades on to a wafer. The water itself is recycled spent rinse water from the fabrication processes. Power for the fountain comes from an array of photovoltaic cells placed on top of a shade structure to the south. photo_CC65096C_CD3E_2A87_41E8_DC862FA7F44A.description = Windows in Time was dedicated for Sandia's 50th anniversary in November 1999. Its design replicates the west end of the first facility constructed for Sandia's mission work in 1946 when the Lab was still Z Division of Los Alamos. It incorporates the building's steel hoist frame and outlines its outer wall and windows. Made of stone, the windows are imprinted with images of Sandians at work over the years and the installation reflects the Lab's roots and evolution. photo_CC8E6DAF_CD02_E581_41D2_FF61DA588A03.description = An executive for 17 years, Roger Hagengruber was Senior Vice President of Nonproliferation and Arms Control at the time of his retirement from Sandia in 2003. Upon his departure, his staff and colleagues installed a plaque and a tree honoring his achievements on the plaza of the Center for National Security and Arms Control, a facility housing programs he initiated and built. photo_CC94E6E0_CD0E_67BF_41E8_B11D6B82BFA9.description = Butler-type prefabricated metal buildings house a variety of functions at the site. This building housed test assembly functions and is one of the properties in the historic district representing that activity. photo_CC9597AB_CD02_2581_41E9_372B17B97FB1.description = Sandia is not known for its creation of sculptures. But, there are rare occasions when individual achievement is honored in physical displays and even more times when art is created out of or for the mission work and warrants permanent installation. For example, when the Particle Beam Fusion Accelerator was converted into the Saturn X-ray simulator, its central power flow section was removed. It was then installed on the west side of Tech Area IV to acknowledge and celebrate Sandia's pulsed power research. The Starburst sculpture was dedicated April 4, 1986. photo_CCA105C4_C302_E587_41C9_359C3746E7EE.description = In the 1980s, Sandia pursued designs that would support efficient upgrades/renovations to labs and office spaces. In New Mexico, this included building a series of multistory buildings based on the same design - steel-reinforced, poured in place concrete exterior walls with linear, recessed "cell" like fenestration and buttresses with cut-out features. Referred to as the clone buildings, these were meant to provide easy swap-out and upgrades of laboratory set-ups and equipment. photo_CCBDD589_C302_2581_41D7_37EBE82C4B4C.description = In the 1990s, Sandia turned to postmodern architectural designs that incorporated decorative and inspiring elements. The use of multiple materials and colors offered new and challenging spaces for user facilities that welcomed research colleagues and business partners. photo_CCC5CE90_C302_279F_41DE_4BF9163EA687.description = In 1956, Sandia established a second laboratory in Livermore, California. The site's buildings were long and low, with curved corners and long rows of windows. Lighter in color and materials than their New Mexico counterparts, they nevertheless reflected a similar design sensibility. photo_CCD6A929_CD0E_2A81_41DF_5611AF6DBD42.description = Immediately after selecting the site, Sandia began planning the control point and laying out the initial set of tracking stations. Tracking and recording equipment used at the range is deployed at the stations to provide multiple views and recordings of a test along the flight path. The earliest stations had Askania phototheodolites mounted on towers. The theodolites and their high-speed cameras capture test images and annotate film with the time, azimuth, and elevation of the test item. The Askania tower represents the earliest tracking efforts at the range. photo_CCD81B41_C302_2E81_41DE_EA7E48234E91.description = In the 1960s, much of the construction effort went into test facilities - at Tonopah Test Range and the Kauai Test Facility, as well as the New Mexico site. These were functional, poured concrete or prefabricated metal structures that directly reflected the specific test functions they housed. photo_CCF04496_CD0E_7B83_41DC_868338A01365.description = Among the equipment used at different stations were tracking telescopes. Tracking telescopes are used to obtain sequential engineering photographic records of a test unit. Initially, the telescopes were stationary, but were ultimately replaced by mobile units. The ME-16 tracking telescope represents this element of data capture from 1958 through the end of the Cold War. photo_CCFD7990_C302_ED9F_419C_E633665E4D72.description = Large user facilities - the National Solar Thermal Test Facility in New Mexico, the Combustion Research Facility (CRF) in California - started construction in the 1970s. They were largely functional in approach, with pre-cast concrete walls and large high-bay spaces. But, there is a bit of whimsy in the decorative elements of the California designs - a conscious nod to the interactions with industry partners and visitors, as well as to local design considerations. photo_CCFD7C41_C302_2A81_41C7_E8A27B6CC910.description = The Kruger firm's designs reflected the mid-century, vernacular interpretation of the International Style, with long bands of windows and an emphasis on the functional. There were some signature marks within the designs, however, including sunburst patterns in the brick around exterior lighting and angled wall entrances. photo_CDE70B99_CD02_2D81_41EB_049F54E8A7A7.description = In 2017, National Technical Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS) assumed the contract to manage and operate Sandia National Laboratories. The Thunderbird Pavilion was embellished and named to celebrate Sandia's achievements and mark the transition to new leadership. Historical exhibits were installed on an existing pavilion shade structure within Sandia's Tech Area I. photo_CE44E932_CF3E_2A83_41E4_C90B1F218447.description = Maintaining the fleet of vehicles Sandia uses includes keeping them clean. photo_D313BFDE_C302_2583_41DA_73B8B081F661.description = After the initial push for permanent facilities, Sandia continued to add buildings to house assembly of weapon components, design activities, and testing functions. In the 1950s, these also reflected the International Style, but were plainer than the brick designs - an aesthetic that underlined the site's engineering focus. ### Title album_0E264873_1C2B_6C16_419B_E1224AC19286.label = TMD History album_24B9B361_34A5_FB6E_41B6_72AD74FC4296.label = Fun album_C0927BCA_CF06_2D83_41EA_341B2214804A.label = FLEET SERVICES album_CC4F0E8B_CD02_2781_41D3_9391D9A3980F.label = History: Tonopah Test Range Historic District album_CC842C04_C302_2A87_41E0_340EDC2BF313.label = Sandia Architecture Through the Years album_CCDAD4C5_C302_1B81_41E1_E95C58A173FC.label = Renovations, Modifications, Additions album_CD7A935A_CD3F_FE83_41E9_D8E32EF9357C.label = Artful Spaces album_D02B67A2_C306_2583_41CB_190BD4B69F42.label = History: Keeping the Welcome Up-to-Date panorama_1CC33A4B_13FB_AC76_41A2_BD5593863C58.label = Training & Education panorama_1EC889EA_1760_4BB2_4193_B9A4DC9431DF.label = Energy Hub panorama_1ECB53AE_1760_DFB2_41B0_AB72A05D3626.label = Cafeteria 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Critical Skills Full-Time Program participants pursue either a master’s or doctoral degree on a full-time basis while remaining on roll but being absent from Sandia. While enrolled in the Critical Skills Full-Time Program, participants receive a reduced salary that does not change during program participation. Participants are not subject to the normal performance evaluation process.
The Critical Skills Part-Time Program provides full-time, regular employees with an opportunity to complete a master’s or doctoral program on a full-time basis while working at Sandia 30 hours per week. Program participants remain classified as full-time, regular employees earning full-time pay and full-time benefits and are subject to the normal performance and evaluation process.
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Many classes are taught by Sandia employees who have an idea of something they would like to teach. Subjects span across fields and disciplines and include computer and software classes, project management and much more. Instructors take basic instructor training and can work with instructional designers to create their own curriculum.
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Experts in physical security at Sandia apply the technology and methods of the game industry to real-world national security problems. Using augmented reality headsets, computer scientists have adapted augmented reality to enhance physical security training and analysis.
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Sandia has a large, continuously expanding catalog of online courses that are available to take at any time and almost anywhere. Many of the classes are centered around environment, safety, and health.
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Sandia instructors work hard to make classes engaging and interactive. Some of these classes include leadership courses, teambuilding courses, and safety training.
Courses like fiber-optics training, respirator training, forklift training, and confined space training start in a classroom. Then students move to areas where they can apply the training.
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Sandia’s Distance Learning Program allows employees to take classes onsite through approved University Programs institutions. At Sandia, the Distance Learning Program consists of two subprograms: full-semester, university-based instructional television and satellite seminar short courses.
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This is a one-stop shop for Sandia employees to find all training and development courses offered at the Labs. Many disciplines and topics are covered, as are a variety of delivery methods including classroom, online and community learning.
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Sandia provides tuition assistance to regular, on-roll employees for courses and degree programs in an academic area relevant to the employee’s job family or to another position to which the employee may reasonably be moved by management (excluding Legal). Educational assistance will be limited to tuition costs only. Fees, materials, books, supplies, and other expenses are the responsibility of the participant.
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Sandia Free University is a grassroots effort to provide free learning at Sandia during off hours. Courses are taught onsite by current employees on topics relevant to Sandia. The goal is to leverage the treasure trove of accomplished, eager, and creative minds at Sandia to educate each other. The slate of courses is supply-and-demand driven. There is a call for teaching proposals 3-4 times a year.
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Sandia hosts speaker series on a wide range of topics including national security, technical symposiums, diversity and inclusion, and health and wellness. In addition, many of Sandia’s organizations hold communities of practice, lunch time learning sessions and workshops on topics ranging from virtual reality, nuclear deterrence, artificial intelligence, and microgrid power distribution.
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Many employees will find opportunities to continue learning and growing into new roles at Sandia, including in to leadership. The Labs have an extensive list of courses for emerging leaders, managers, senior managers, and directors. Courses range from the history of the nuclear weapons complex, to writing courses, managing within the law, team integration, diversity and inclusion, and many more. In addition to classes, Sandia provides leadership programs and leadership coaching and mentoring to Sandia management and high potential staff.
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When Z Division of Los Alamos was established, its assignment included military liaison to work with the military to ensure a smooth handoff of the nuclear weapons to the services. This included a training element on how the weapons work and how they are maintained as well as creating the manuals associated with each system. As Z Division evolved into Sandia National Laboratories, it maintained the military liaison assignment and the obligation to ensure those responsible for working with nuclear weapons within the Department of Defense are given adequate information about and training on items in the stockpile.
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Talent Management and Development’s mentor program provides participants with knowledge and skills necessary to develop and foster a rewarding mentoring relationship. Students learn the benefits and responsibilities of mentoring and discuss the mentoring process and a mentee’s responsibilities.
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Sandia maintains full-service, in-house custodial services. At the New Mexico site alone, that means servicing approximately 3.5 million square feet of office, lobby, laboratory, break room, classroom, and conference room space. Integrated with Sandia’s environment, safety, and health initiatives, the services not only clean the spaces but also assist with the collection of recycling and support for a composting pilot program. Daily cleaning activities emphasize health first.
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In 1998, Sandia launched the Weapon Intern Program (WIP). With no new weapons in development and a concern that the existing knowledge base for nuclear weapons design was retiring, Sandia introduced WIP to provide career development opportunities for new generations of nuclear weapons stewards.
Available to applicants from within Sandia, across the Nuclear Security Enterprise, and the military, WIP creates an evolving one-year curriculum where the primary emphasis is teaching participants about the history, research and perspectives of the nuclear weapon system and component engineering.
The program curriculum includes classroom instruction on nuclear policy and strategy, the nuclear security enterprise, nuclear evolution, customer requirements, nuclear and non-nuclear components, and more. As part of the course, students also have the option to visit many sites including other labs around the country, the Trinity Site in New Mexico and Washington, D.C.
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As a result of the science and technology development agreement between Sandia Labs and the University of Texas System, the state of Texas has authorized the University of Texas System Board of Regents to provide a college tuition benefit to Sandia employees and their families. Therefore, a person employed by Sandia or that person’s spouse or child may pay the in-state tuition rate when enrolled at a University of Texas System institution. The University of Texas System includes nine academic and six health institutions.
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As working styles and office interactions have evolved over the years, Sandia’s space has evolved along with them. When opportunities for renovation of office space appear, Facilities may create collaborative spaces—known as FOCIS Rooms—with features that encourage thoughtful interaction. Depending on the existing architecture and overall requirements, features installed to enhance brainstorming and discussion may include the use of vibrant colors, whiteboard-type writing surfaces on walls, ample space for movement, and glass walls to open the feeling of the room and invite interaction.
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Lean Green Belt training provides a background in Lean thinking and behaviors to provide the most value to the customer by reducing waste and streamlining processes. This course equips participants with practical tools to utilize the A3 problem solving format. Participants gain understanding of the tools, techniques, and tactics to lead a continuous improvement effort and drive breakthrough results.
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The T-Bird café is dedicated to helping Sandia reach its goal of Zero Waste by 2025. As a part of that effort, the café no longer uses any plastic foam. Instead, there are china plates and plastic cups available for dining in, and recyclable containers for taking food on the go. Also, there are recycling stations in the café that accept plastic, compost, and landfill. Not sure what goes where? Don’t worry, it’s easy. This Zero Waste station has a nifty mural that’s color coded. The grey bin is for landfill items, the blue bin is for plastics, and the green one is for compost. Plus, there’s a silver bin for all your aluminum (it’s even shaped like a can). If you’re still not sure how to Zero Waste your tray, just follow the pictures on the wall above each bin; they’ll show you what goes where.
Learn more about what can be recycled here.
For more information about composting, go here.
Get the latest on Sandia’s journey to Zero Waste here.
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For those pressed for time, there’s also an option to order food online. Choose from a variety of Freshwiches, salads and beverages. Diners can then select a time to pick up their order the following day. There’s even a delivery option. Orders will be delivered to drop spots such as MO307 in the Preventative Health Break Room, the first floor break room in 823, the first floor of Building 6585 in Area V, or at the Awake Café in the uncleared lobby of 898. Order online here.
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For the budget conscious diners, there’s always the $6 daily special. Options range from chicken salad on a croissant, ½ ham and swiss on marble rye, or an 8 oz. soup with tuna salad on a croissant.
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As with the Grill, daily selections vary, so check the menu. Options can range from chicken pesto to sausage and mushroom to pepperoni to fire roasted peppers with onions and black olives.
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The world station is where things get exotic, with selections from, well, around the world. Again, there’s a daily variety, so be sure to check the menu. Some of the dishes featured here include South Indian Chicken or Tofu Curry of Basmati, Catfish Po’Boy Hoagie, Beef and Cheese Ravioli with Pesto Alfredo sauce and meatballs, or even ham and scalloped potatoes au gratin with corn cobette. And that’s just a small sampling.
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The café sells reusable water bottles and cups that not only help save the environment, but can save you some coin as well; refills are just $1.
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With a rotating menu that changes almost daily, the talented cooks and chef behind the scenes start early and stay busy making sure lunch meals are fresh and ready to go on time each and every day.
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The goal of Taher’s Food4Life program is to provide high-quality, fresh, and nutritionally balanced foods to every customer. These foods are minimally processed to increase the consumption of natural fibers and other natural ingredients while decreasing caloric intake, saturated fats, trans fats, added sugars and any artificial ingredients. Look for the Food4Life logo to ensure healthy eating habits or for selections that are compatible with eating programs such as Weight Watchers. Read more about the Food4Life initiative here.

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Confused about where to put your lunchtime waste? No worries, the handy Zero Waste wall will guide you and your trash to the right spots.
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The Freshwich station has options for all kinds of, that’s right, fresh sandwiches. Again, options vary day-to-day, week-to-week, so try to keep up with the weekly menu. Some of the selections you can find here include chicken saltimbocca on ciabatta, buffalo chicken wrap with blue cheese dressing, roast beef with cheddar and horseradish cream on a pretzel bun, or a BLAT – bacon, lettuce, avocado and turkey spinach wrap.
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There are plenty of vegan and vegetarian selections each week, including roasted broccoli, mushroom, potato and spinach with tomato wrap; tofu, dried apricot and superfood slaw in spinach wrap; pilaf, nut and seed pita with herb and tomato salad, or Caribbean curry whole wheat wrap with mango salsa just to name a few.
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If you consider yourself a sandwich artist, there’s a self-serve sandwich bar at the café where you can indulge your inner Dagwood. Create the sandwich of your lunchtime dreams, and if you like, you can even have it toasted panini style to get that melty-cheese goodness flowing.
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Have a busy day ahead? The Grab n’ Go counter provides some healthy, tasty options that are pre-packed and ready to grab as one heads into mayhem of a busy day. These lunches are stocked each morning so it’s convenient for people to grab a lunch for later. Selections include a specialty wrap or sandwich of the day, basic sandwiches such as egg, chicken or tuna salad, snack cups that rotate in variety, yogurts, whole fruits, and a selection of beverages such as Life Water and Naked Juice.
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Diners can see what’s available at the café preview plates that are put on display each day before lunch begins. These plates are prepared fresh daily by the cooks and show exactly what options are available at each of the stations that day, letting diners get a quick glimpse of what can grace their plates. This can be helpful because options change every day, keeping things fresh and tasty.
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The T-Bird café has already seen numerous changes, but there are many more on the horizon. The east facing walls of the cafeteria will be garage doors that can be fully opened during the many beautiful, sunny days enjoyed here in New Mexico. This fluid indoor/outdoor dining experience will be further enhanced by transforming the space into one that’s useful outside the busy lunch hour to allow people to meet, work, network, socialize and re-energize. There will also be a meeting space that can be reserved. Phase A of these planned renovations is already funded for FY18-19 and includes updating the main entrance and coffee station.

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If you’d like to learn more about nutrition, the café has a Harvest of the Month program that promotes different fruits, vegetables, herbs and legumes. Each month learn fun facts like how the Bing cherry is the most popular sweet cherry in the U.S. and it was developed in Oregon. You can also learn calories, fat, sodium and sugar information about the foods featured each month. Learn more about the Cafe's nutritional facts here.

Fun Fact: A legume is a dry fruit contained within a shell or pod such as peas, beans, peanuts or alfalfa.
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The café often offers special menus for the holidays, especially for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For instance, at Thanksgiving the staff cooks up traditional favorites such as turkey, stuffing, potatoes and of course, pie. However, you’ll want to be sure to get there early, or be prepared to stand in line for your meal.

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The café hosts a cooking demonstration once every quarter and features a special guest chef who shares useful cooking tips, insights, and tricks. For instance, in March 2018’s demo, Chef Maureen Lisi-MacReady demonstrated how to create a delicious, and healthy, chicken soup by using ingredients that are likely to already be in the pantry. Chef Lisi-MacReady trained at the California Culinary Academy, the New England Culinary Institute, and in Italy at the Hotel Danieli.

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There’s something different each day and each week, so be sure to check the Thunderbird menu for what’s being offered, but selections can range from specialty burgers to grilled cheese for “grown-ups” to delectable, specially prepared sandwiches.

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Each day also comes with a different soup or chili to choose from. Choices here can range from lemon chicken orzo soup or lentil sausage soup, to Baja fish stew and beef chili.

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There are nine different food stations at the T-Bird Cafe serving a wide variety of culinary delights. The cafe also features a self-serve sandwich bar and salad bar. For those on a particularly tight schedule, there's also grab-and-go selections featuring bistro options. Check out the weekly menu.
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For those wanting something a bit fresher, and greener, and more vegetably, there’s always the salad grab. Selections here range from bulgar wheat greek salad to romaine gorgonzola apple and bacon to a simple pasta salad, there’s lots to choose from here. In fact, this salad bar is considered one of the best deals in town and is one of the most popular stations in the café.

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For those looking for a little pick me up, coffee is available from 6am to 3pm. Everything from brewed coffee to full-service specialty coffees are available, provided from Ronnoco Coffee, which was started in 1904 at the World’s Fair in St. Louis by the O’Connor brothers (Ronnoco is O’Connor spelled backwards).
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Stretch bands are sheathed in nylon for one important reason; in the unlikely event that someone is strong enough to stretch them to their breaking point (which has yet to happen), they won’t be struck in the face. Safety first.
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This station helps users stretch various muscle groups. The chair (or contraption, if preferred) helps people get into the right position to stretch everything from hip flexors to the back to glutes. There are easy-to-follow instructions for a wide variety of stretches included on the machine, just to help users figure out where to start their stretch, and to make the contraption seem a little less intimidating.
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Using the machines aren’t the only way to work out those kinks from a long day in the office, there are stretches that can be done with bands or just on the floor. Wall anchors provide a place to use stretch bands, and there are also mats and rollers available for use. The bands can be moved and tensioned for the desired stretch and are color coded according to tension level: green is hardest, red is medium, and yellow is easiest. Instructions for a wide variety of stretches are provided for using the bands and/or simply stretching on the floor.
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All it takes is a couple pushes of a button to add a new vibe (as in vibration) to your stretch.

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True it may look like one, but this piece of equipment stays on dry land and can be found in select Energy Hubs. The cage provides users with a wide variety of anchors and angles to perform many different types of stretches. It also provides the basis to hold stretches in a way that helps maintain balance, which is critical for enhanced relaxation. Officially named the True-Stretch station, or stretch cage informally, the cage makes it possible to do stretches that would be difficult on the floor or using a doorway. There stretch are cages are located in CGSC, 957, MO307, 894, 6585.
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The Zen Pro is a vibrating platform that provides an unstable surface to increase the intensity and benefit of exercises such as planks, lunges, squats, and push-ups. The vibration destabilizes the surface on which the muscles are working, which forces them to work harder and better.
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The Zen Pro does have one caveat; it has been known to make people feel car sick. Anyone who gets easily motion sick may want to avoid this particular device.

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The are 15000 clearances tied to Sandia National Labs, and the clearance office owns 12500 of them. Sandia also has the highest number of Q clearances in the DOE system. There are just six people in the clearance office working to keep all those clearances in the clear; a huge task.
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True, the Personnel Security Team has won ERA awards, but they’re particularly proud of their Tailgate Award. Each year their division puts on a tailgate challenge and awards a trophy to the best team. The Badge Office has consistently dominated, winning the trophy four out of the five years the award has been given out. One year they are particularly proud of is 2016, where all the men dressed as cheerleaders, the women as football players and they even did a cheer.
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On a typical day at the Sandia Badge Office, around 300 people will snake through its line to get help with a variety of issues. However, there aren’t really any typical days here because some days feature lots of visitors for a conference, some days feature high profile guests coming to learn about the work done here at Sandia, and some days are jam-packed with kids. If variety is the spice of life, then the Sandia Badge Office is the spice rack of the labs.
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Energy Hubs are purpose-built spaces where people can recharge their energy, restore posture, and recover focus by taking a strategic break from busy days of computing and meetings. Whether it’s the need for a good revitalizing stretch, taking some time to be mindful, or just the need for a few minutes of peace and quiet, Energy Hubs are designed to be the place to do just that. Many hubs also double as a private space for nursing mothers.
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The Clearance Office isn’t officially part of the Badge Office, it’s really a sister program to the Badge Office, but it has one of the most important tasks; they make sure all the clearance information is correct before giving the Badge Office the all-clear to issue a badge. An important note: Only request the level of clearance needed to get your job done. It’s not faster to request an L clearance and then get a Q clearance; those are actually two separate investigations. It’s best just to request what you need right from the start.
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Some Energy Hubs include private Virgin Pulse kiosks that can take blood pressure and record weight. They may also include a touch screen with videos that walk through various mindfulness exercises and meditations, or videos with stretching instructions. A large percentage of accidents at the workplace are a direct result of the lack of mindfulness, so taking a moment to reflect, relax, and re-gather during the day not only helps with energy, but helps with safety and security as well.
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Not sure how to start limbering up? Not to worry, most energy hubs have some simple instructions on various stretches and how to use the bands and wall mount, and even how to stretch out on the floor. It’s the next best thing to having a personal trainer. (add photo of stretching instructions).
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All Energy Hubs are slightly different; they’re customized based on available space and funding provided by the Division. Features and function range from small private rooms for nursing mothers to large areas with kiosks, touch screens and postural/stretching equipment. Centers requesting a new energy hub can make sure their space meets the needs of their workers. There’s a list of the potential amenities that can be included in an energy hub at the Energy Hub homepage.
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The fact is that smiles are okay for any badge EXCEPT for the federal credential or HSPD12. The reason; it’s all about facial recognition. Getting a federal credential enrolls you in a system used by other agencies. While there are efforts being made to change this no smiling requirement when it comes to the federal credentials, for now, prepare your best poker-face for this photo, and don’t expect to be asked to say “Cheese!”

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Whenever a badge is issued, it’s tied to the access control system, which is what allows that badge to provide its user access to Sandia. Occasionally, things might not work the way they’re supposed to. This badge tester lets users make sure their shiny new badge works the way it’s supposed to before they get all the way out to Tech Area V. So, before you leave the Badge Office, give your badge a quick swipe to make sure everything is A-OK.
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The enrollment station is where you present the documentation needed to claim your federal credential. It’s also where you’ll get fingerprinted and have your photo taken. (Remember NOT to smile).
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If you already have a HSPD12 credential, it may occasionally need to be updated. That’s what these stations are for. The stations can also update expired credentials, or unlock badges that may have been inadvertently locked. The process generally only takes about five or six minutes.
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The busiest day at the Sandia Badge Office is easily Kids Day at the Labs. In 2018, over 1800 kids came to see their parent’s workplace here at the labs, and most of them stopped by the badge office to get a special souvenir badge to commemorate the day. Over 1000 of these unique souvenirs are handed out each year. The staff at the Badge Office go the extra mile to make this event special, often dressing up in themed costumes (like super heroes), having plenty of candy on hand, and providing lots of props to help the kids get a truly unique photo for their badge (something their parents will never get to do). It’s the most tiring day of the year for those who work here, but it’s also their most enjoyable day.
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The badge office can be pretty busy at times, especially on Mondays. If you want to minimize your time in line, the best time to come in for a badge is Thursday afternoon. Generally, avoid Monday and Tuesday mornings, and other days by 0930hrs the crowds will usually have died down a bit.
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The Badge Office is the first stop for any visit to Sandia Labs, and the first stop at this first stop is usually one of these stations. These badging stations are where visitors or employees can pick up or enroll their HSPD12 federal credential, or get their LSSO badge. Contractors also have to stop by one of these stations to get their badge in order to gain access to Sandia.
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Take a look around the Badge Office and you’ll see plenty of hints that this groups isn’t one of those “all work and no play” groups. From the giant Texas hat that was part of a fond farewell to one of the team members, to the proudly displayed tailgate award. There are plenty of signs that the crew of the Badge Office know how to let loose and have some fun.
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This poster simply shows the officially authorized badges at Sandia National Laboratories. Security is the responsibility of everyone at the Labs, which is why it’s useful to be familiar these authorized badges; it’ll make it easy to notice when something looks out of place.
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Sandia's training department utilizes superior training facilities and instructional methods, provides a catalogue of over 4,000 courses, and instructors who include some of the most respected and accomplished scientists and researchers in nanotechnology, pulsed power, nuclear engineering and material science among many other fields. The training department's highly qualified staff of organizational development professionals and learning science staff identify organizational needs and translate them into training classes, performance support tools, organizational development interventions and recommendations.
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Employees can choose to join the Virgin Pulse program and engage in wellness activities that subsidize a health reimbursement account with funds that can be used for a variety of healthcare expenses and that carry over year to year.
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The Sandia Medical Clinic can provide diagnostic x-ray services on site. These may be performed with orders from on- or offsite physicians for routine skeletal, chest and sinus x-rays at no cost. Having x-rays done on site saves trips to offsite clinics and helps Sandia’s health professionals and offsite primary care physicians quickly diagnose illnesses or injuries.
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As part of the clinic’s comprehensive occupational medicine program, employees are provided with resources and health monitoring, especially those in work assignments with potential risk of exposure to regulated hazardous substances or potentially harmful work duties. The goal is for all members of the workforce to work in environments safe for themselves, fellow employees, SNL facilities, the environment, and the public.
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Sandia has an onsite logo store where employees can purchase logo items. Employees are also invited to use the Sandia Employee Recreation Program to join a sport or recreational league and for discounts on fitness and recreation equipment, sporting events, local fun centers, concerts, and more.
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Sandia’s Behavioral Health and Employee Assistance program can help employees who are facing issues, including anxiety, grief, depression, and substance abuse. Sandia’s onsite providers offer confidential counseling, behavioral health education, and referrals to community providers.
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The Employee Preventive Health programs, Sandia Medical Clinic, and Health Management Clinic help employees improve their overall well-being, manage chronic conditions or coordinate long-term specialty care with primary care providers in the community.

The Sandia Medical Clinic is employees’ first line of treatment for work-related injury, illness, and emergency medical services. No security clearance is required to access the clinic services.

Employees with appointments at the Sandia Medical Clinic can check in here, or at a nearby kiosk. Services include treatment for illnesses and injuries, occupational medicine, allergy shots, physical therapy, x-rays, phlebotomy services, and drug tests. Employees needing shots or medical advice from the International Travel Clinic also check in here or at the kiosk.

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The Sandia Medical Clinic hosts a yearly flu shot clinic, administering more than 3,000 flu shots to employees.
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When you visit the Sandia Medical Clinic, please be prepared to provide health status information including medications you are taking, allergies, medical history, and contact information for your primary care physician and specialists.
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Allergies affect almost half of Sandia’s population. Sandia’s Allergy Clinic can save employees time and money, whether they are just beginning a course of allergy injections. or have already received allergy shots.

To take advantage of allergy clinic services, employees must first see an offsite allergist for evaluation. If they are given immunotherapy orders, they can bring their serum onsite and the Sandia Medical Clinic will help administer shots.
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The International Travel Clinic provides services to help with business-related international travel needs. It’s important that employees contact the ITC 6-8 weeks before beginning business-related international travel, as some preventive vaccines must be started early for full effect.

ITC provides:
A health assessment associated with the country the employee will be traveling to
Required and recommended immunizations
Tuberculosis surveillance (TB skin tests)
Counseling to minimize the risk of disease
Malaria chemoprophylaxis, if appropriate for the destination country

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The Employee Health Services’ clinical laboratory provides onsite lab tests and phlebotomy services. The clinical laboratory will even perform certain covered lab work requested by the employee’s offsite physician at an in-network cost. Having lab work done onsite saves employees trips to offsite clinics and helps Sandia’s health professionals and an offsite primary care physician diagnose, treat, and monitor health conditions. Lab services are available for occupational health monitoring, disease management, preventive screenings, and urgent health care needs.
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Sandia Labs has a Preventive Health team that provides wellness services to employees. Employees can choose from a variety of group fitness and wellness classes held around campus. The team also schedules Skype and telephone appointments for nutrition, stress, sleep, and wellness coaching.
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The Sandia Medical Clinic has an onsite pharmacist. Medications are provided as needed, but most prescriptions are sent electronically to patients’ preferred pharmacies.

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When employees have a medical emergency at Sandia, an onsite ambulance service provides transportation to a medical facility. Depending on the situation, an employee may be transported to the Sandia Medical Clinic or to an offsite hospital emergency room.

Employees should always call 911 via Sandia’s system for medical emergencies, especially chest pain, severe abdominal pain, stroke symptoms, severe headaches, and head injuries.
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Sandia’s clinic goal is to get all patients into exam rooms within 5 minutes of their check-in times.

To request an appointment, employees can call the clinic or sign into the FollowMyHealth website and click on Appointment Requests.

Employees needing same-day appointments are encouraged to call as early as 7 a.m. No appointments are needed for medical emergencies, work-related injuries, return-to-work exams, allergy services, or immunizations.
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Most employees don’t know that the Sandia Medical Clinic has a decontamination room in case people are exposed to dangerous chemicals or radiation. The clinic holds drills so providers, nurses, and medical assistants are prepared for HAZMAT situations.
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Sandia employees and contractors whose job responsibilities involve special safety circumstances — such as crane and hoist operators and security personnel — and those who are involved in a workplace accident are subject to mandatory drug screening protocols. In addition, all Sandia employees may be randomly selected for a drug screening at any time.
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The case management team assists expectant moms, employees who will be out of the office for surgery or illness. The team helps prepare documents and educates employees on short- and long-term disability and workers’ compensation programs.
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Doctors and mid-level providers assist patients with a wide range of medical questions and symptomatic issues and can complete occupational medicine fit-for-duty exams or physicals. Providers also connect the workforce with onsite preventive health and health management programs to improve overall well-being.
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Sandia physical therapists primarily treat orthopedic injuries, with priority for workers comp, and then the general employee.

Physical therapists also provide pre-employment physical testing to make sure new hires can work safely in their new jobs.

Employees scheduling physical therapy appointments at the Sandia clinic must have a physician’s referral.
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Employees can check in for appointments at a digital kiosk, as well as the front desk. Employees typically check-in here for allergy shots, blood pressure checks, and return-to-work services for employees who have been out of the office for more than five working days or seven consecutive days.
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The Sandia Medical Clinic provides emergency medical services for anyone experiencing a medical emergency on site. For Sandia employees, the clinic also provides no-cost treatment for acute or episodic care for a variety of illnesses and injuries. There is no cost for services including ambulance transports for emergency care offsite during operational hours. Acute and non-emergency care are not available to contractors or guests.

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The Sandia Health Management Clinic provides adjunct healthcare and lifestyle support for employees with chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Physicians support patients by partnering with their primary care providers in the community. They can help manage issues, so employees don’t need to travel to offsite medical clinics as often.
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The Preventive Health team offers several Health Action Plans to help Sandia employees improve aspects of their health while earning money for their health reimbursement accounts. Health Action Plans are geared toward a wide variety of health interests including increasing exercise, eating healthier, managing stress, and more.

Sandia employs nutritionists, personal trainers, and exercise specialists, as well as sleep and stress educators and psychologists.
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In recent decades, Sandia’s New Mexico site has had the opportunity to build several new facilities to house offices and light labs. They are located throughout the site and have a consistent look and appeal. They frequently use the rusty brick red of the site’s earliest permanent buildings as an accent color for entrances and walls, tying the campus’s appearance together.
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The Facilities organization maintains design guidelines for the appearance and layout of all elements of the campus — from entrances and walkways to building height, windows, and materials. The early decades of construction did not always proceed in keeping with previous architectural designs, but recent efforts stress keeping new designs compatible with existing styles, with an emphasis on a “science and technology” appearance. It is, for example, expected that the flat roofs common in existing buildings will continue to be appropriate in the future, especially as designs are to be simple, yet creative.
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During the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, OPEC initiated an oil embargo against any state supporting Israel in the conflict, including the United States. Oil prices rose quickly, making energy savings a nationwide goal. Sandia’s saving measures included slicing the lunch hour in half, adjusting building temperatures, and cutting heating and cooling on weekends and holidays. Beginning in 1974, the Lab instituted a week-long shutdown around the Christmas holiday, with about 45% in savings in electrical energy and 30% in fuel. By 1977, the annual shutdown was standardized - the Lab gathered Federal holidays from elsewhere in the calendar to cover the time off. Forty years later, it still makes a difference, with annual savings of more than 820,000 kilowatt hours of energy - enough to power 31 homes or a 50,000-square-foot Sandia office building for a year.
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Sandia/New Mexico depends on Facilities to maintain and support

22 miles of 115 kilovolt and 46 kilovolt transmission line,
approximately 14 115 kilovolt and 46 kilovolt power substations, and
approximately 36 circuit miles of distribution cable and roughly 168
underground power manholes that make up the 12.47 kilovolt
distribution system running through Tech Areas I, II, and IV.
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Fleet Services is responsible for all of Sandia’s vehicles — procuring them, tracking them, servicing them, and moving them around. In a small set of older buildings in the northeast portion of Tech Area I at the New Mexico site, Fleet maintains vehicles for temporary use as well as those assigned to specific organizations. Sandia’s other sites — Sandia California, Tonopah Test Range, and the Kauai Test Facility — also maintain or procure appropriate services for their vehicles.
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This time-lapse video of a new building going up at the MESA site provides a nuts-and-bolts view of building construction.
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Sandia’s new construction projects have worked within Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) requirements for more than two decades as part of a push for environmentally sound resource management. In September 2017, Sandia received LEED campus certification for the New Mexico and California sites, meaning that all new construction must be registered and certified using pre-approved credits and prerequisites. In 2018, Sandia went farther, and the New Mexico site achieved LEED v.4 certification; it was the first DOE lab and the first in the state to do so. Building 725’s Data Center addition was the first building certified under Sandia’s LEED campus umbrella and its first LEED-certified data center.
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Sandia’s Facilities organizations oversee all design, construction, maintenance, renovation, and demolition of Sandia’s physical plant at all four of the Labs’ sites. The responsibility is vast and includes utilities and space management, as well as fire protection, emergency operations, fleet management, and waste management.
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Baling waste and recyclables reduces volume and trips, saving transportation fees and generating a better price from recycling vendors. The baler’s main hydraulic ram applies up to 137 tons of force to form a bale!
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The facilities organizations at the respective Sandia sites maintain

• more than 6,000,000 gross square feet in New Mexico,
• more than 891,000 gross square feet in California,
• more than 121,000 gross square feet at Tonopah Test Range, and
• nearly 50,000 gross square feet at the Kauai Test Facility.

Something always needs replacing, upgrading, fixing, fastening, or renovating. Roofs, for example, require repairs and periodic replacement. In fiscal years 2017 through 2019, Sandia undertook more than 50 roofing projects at the New Mexico site alone.
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Sandia handles approximately 1.5 million pounds of waste and 1.3 million pounds of recyclable materials annually. That handling is done at the Solid Waste Collection & Recycling Center, where

• solid waste and recyclables are screened for prohibited materials,
• solid waste is baled, stored, and shipped to an approved landfill, and
• recyclables are baled, stored, and delivered to recycling facilities.

There are thirteen waste management facilities at the New Mexico site and two at the California site.
### Title window_002AB57E_1C69_E40E_419B_6598444898B8.title = Critical Skills Program window_0030DDCD_1C77_A472_41AA_AC5BA8B3C9AE.title = Want to Teach? window_00D820D0_1C28_9C12_41AE_7840355BD54D.title = Augmented Reality Training window_0198B987_1C6F_ECFE_419B_03EBE80BA346.title = 24/7 Training at Your Desk window_01D7328E_1C7B_7C0E_41AF_DA6DA9728EF1.title = Hands-On Training window_030F9DF8_1C69_E412_419F_33340EF15C67.title = Distance Learning window_045E2D87_1C58_E4FE_41A1_3CD6B0D223EF.title = Tuition Assistance Program window_05A5C0EB_1C59_7C36_41AC_4DA789113336.title = Sandia Free University window_05C38983_1C5B_6CF6_419A_C0649A5136B4.title = Learning Portal window_05D880E7_1C58_9C3E_41B2_E8F22550DC5B.title = Community Learning window_0B83FC67_1C2B_E43E_41B5_DF2416333EE8.title = Leadership Development window_0BB76AC7_1C57_6C7E_41B2_60D7C5728ED3.title = Military Liaison window_0BF82418_1C29_6412_41B1_9A946CBBD0B1.title = Mentoring Program window_0D9369BC_1C38_AC12_4190_859C5371F67A.title = Always Evolving Training Methods window_0DDEB5C8_1FB1_2512_4182_9FF02734282C.title = Keeping it Clean window_0E001698_1C28_A412_41A5_EC361B5550EB.title = Weapon Intern Program (WIP) window_0FE0A315_1C39_9C12_41AF_6C3A67FA8F4E.title = University of Texas Tuition Benefit window_12328280_0BDD_1F64_41A7_7F0AE9DEDB42.title = Collaborative Spaces window_2513BB51_346F_54AE_41BF_4BCE16D9E741.title = About those Kids window_253A6259_34A5_555E_41B0_D2F5F69D5A80.title = First Stop window_25736A06_3463_54B2_41C4_94D9B6FC260C.title = Fun Fact (That’s also useful) window_25D69A2F_34AF_54F2_41BD_22297A960A2B.title = Time for an Update window_262611E9_3463_D77E_419D_74F0201F4611.title = No Smiles Allowed window_262E9283_346D_75B2_41B6_ADC291BCA54A.title = Know Your Badges window_26C2E269_3467_557E_41C8_EFD1F8BC911A.title = Testing…Testing window_26CCB8F6_3462_D552_41C2_697CDF4FFDAD.title = It’s a Busy Place window_26CF2690_3467_3DAE_41AC_FB783C53CBA4.title = Lemme See Your Poker Face window_39D849A2_3465_57F2_4175_ECF4DD704EDB.title = Clearance Office window_3AAEADA1_346D_4FEE_41B4_616280150058.title = A Whole Lot of Clearance window_3ABB27E0_3463_DB6E_4190_C00962A2BCB6.title = To the Tailgate Winners go the Spoils window_3B5F203A_34A2_D4D2_419D_E73115BA3808.title = It's not all Work and no Play window_480E80B8_5938_2F5F_41D4_655441A88519.title = Superior Learning window_85061724_8AF3_E68B_41DA_80BF0FD55B60.title = Online Ordering for Next Day Dining window_882044C8_9941_2E6B_41C3_E2CEEAC3FAA6.title = $6 Daily window_88419CCE_995F_1E67_41D7_6C990C5EF42E.title = Grill window_8867C00E_9941_E5E7_41E1_8BCEDB454E34.title = Salad Grab window_8958F3F6_9941_EA27_41DC_FF38E66960F9.title = Vegan/Vegetarian window_89FB35EB_9943_2E2D_41D8_06DCC4AE2570.title = Keeping the Holiday Spirit window_8A4C5AA6_9BC3_1A27_41D6_DA0EC55A1E37.title = Fun Nutritional Facts window_8A732D03_9BC7_3FDD_41D6_92B4ABAD5C43.title = An Appetizing Preview window_8B5AE214_9BC7_65FB_41B0_0E751FC1D811.title = Soup and Chili window_8B7385E9_9BC3_2E2D_41DC_7FFBEBEA412D.title = Food that’s Fast, not Fast Food window_8B775709_9BC3_2BED_41BC_FBAC61EAED15.title = A Sunny Future window_8BCFA0CC_9BC3_666B_41C8_6E2793152C6E.title = Showing How It’s Done window_8BF0CFF0_9BC1_7A3B_41A2_DD540A99D749.title = A Morning Cup of Joe window_9488B25D_9941_6A65_41A1_24E3FC110C59.title = Make it Fresh window_96A0C4BF_9941_2E25_41D6_2F3BB624E9D7.title = Freshwich window_96A12588_9941_EEEB_41C9_65B2E55388EB.title = Pizza of the Day window_96E4DA70_9941_3A3B_41E0_2E575119A40C.title = Make your own Dagwood window_976BFB41_9941_3A5D_41CF_997880A4CB5A.title = World Station window_9977D0D4_8B0D_7B8B_41DC_25BAF167E2A2.title = Fun (and useful) Fact window_9AA967A4_8AF3_658B_41D4_0BF4E675D940.title = Food4Life window_9B17B044_8AF7_7A8B_41E0_2195D9418DF5.title = Just Follow the Color-Coded Zero Waste Wall window_9BA37ED4_8AFF_E78B_41D9_FEA8AAACA2C6.title = The Writing is on the Wall window_A41A2840_AA8C_844A_41D0_ADAD42485E51.title = Virgin Pulse Program window_A52E16A7_AABD_8CD6_41BF_F283235C1689.title = X-Rays window_A556792F_AAB5_85D6_41E2_FBDC9E3CA8E9.title = Occupational Medicine window_A5D6CF60_AAB5_9C4A_41B4_46B79D2E4A69.title = Sandia Employee Recreation Program window_A95FB87D_A4B5_B4E5_41C0_037D99BB8354.title = Shaking Things Up window_AA49667C_A4B2_DCEB_41C8_1CE17808B1FF.title = Video: Shake, Rattle and Stroll window_AA53006C_BBB1_FCF7_41B0_53475BA88616.title = Behavioral Health window_AA694544_A4B5_DC1B_41B2_13BE8F70DA6B.title = Fun Fact (or not so fun fact) window_AB4E346C_A4CD_DCEB_41A2_B9826DED801F.title = This is Not a Shark Cage window_AE60030C_B6F4_14CE_41BD_787D9A5F992A.title = Customer Service Appointment Check-In window_B4185DEB_A4D2_4FED_41A9_0D5E2F82412E.title = Energy Hubs window_B4ED9599_A4D2_5C2D_41CC_E95C12C6D7A3.title = Sttttrrrrreeeettttcccchhhh (ah, that feels good) window_B517A487_A4CE_FC25_41AA_D2D3F362D6CF.title = Customized to Meet the Need window_B571A603_A4F2_7C1D_41DE_F759FCB9E92B.title = A Nudge in the Right Direction window_B599EF20_A4D7_CC1B_41B9_0B19F1329C25.title = Working the Kinks Out window_B653BEB2_A4D2_CC7F_41E3_7B89C8D2F42D.title = Tap Here for Mindfulness window_B6C0E723_A4FE_5C1D_41C8_5901BB4DB2F4.title = Fun Fact: Stretch bands window_BA5E81CD_AA9C_8455_41B0_1461FD58601D.title = Flu Shot Clinic window_BA67093C_AAFD_843A_41D6_3CF17B906827.title = Preparing for your visit window_BA68518F_AAF5_84D6_41E4_9AB448CEFCB2.title = Allergy Clinic window_BA7C20C6_AA97_8456_41B1_B14F96385D56.title = International Travel Clinic window_BAC8C0FA_AAF7_843E_41CB_3386893E4C91.title = Laboratory Services window_BB00B5CF_AABC_8C56_41D6_A557159A2E09.title = Preventive Health window_BB039015_AABD_83CA_41D9_00D582606F3D.title = Onsite Pharmacist window_BB04EDF3_AABD_9C4E_4197_B6E7AAAA67B2.title = Transport Services window_BB1A22B8_AAFC_843A_41DA_4F8F6DA37254.title = Appointments window_BB2A0A67_AAF5_8456_41D9_A1699974F3F9.title = Decontamination Room window_BB90EE8A_AA8D_7CDE_41E3_219983843FF5.title = Case Management window_BB97A78A_AA8C_8CDE_41A7_2CB66D4CD931.title = Physical Therapy window_BBA83C37_AAF3_FC36_41DE_4DD295BC6BAB.title = Health Exam Room window_BBABA2B9_AAFF_843A_419F_6E585756D082.title = Who Can Use Sandia Medical Clinic window_BBAFF09C_AA9C_84FA_41A5_04588C45E2B2.title = Kiosk Check-In window_BBB559A4_AA8D_84CA_41DE_ED6D0287CD1D.title = Health Action Plans window_BBB851B4_AA94_84CA_41E1_768C7C9C5D52.title = Drug Testing window_BBBFE1E0_AAFD_844A_41E4_712DE72A2332.title = Health Management Clinic window_C12DFBFA_CF06_2D83_41D7_838405497718.title = New Construction window_C1E905FF_CF02_2581_41E4_690798F597C5.title = The Many Services of Fleet window_CBBF33DB_CD0E_1D81_41D4_D4AAE569F191.title = Design window_CC1AAFD9_CD02_2581_41D6_3BA7719457A7.title = History: Tonopah Test Range Historic District window_CC1F7C9B_CD02_2B81_41E7_E0432A873542.title = Fun Fact: Saving Energy in December window_CCE909BB_CF02_2D81_41C0_727D8DED643A.title = Fun Fact: Resources window_CD3B9440_CEFE_FAFF_41CA_D44D1D1D0DCA.title = Artful Spaces window_CD50300E_C302_1A83_4191_366334939DF0.title = Renovations, Modifications, Additions window_CE468A30_CF02_2E9F_41C3_8F474975B3C1.title = Fleet Services window_CF617DA3_CF0E_6581_41E4_AD13F7E1392B.title = Video: Construction window_CFAFEFA2_CF06_6583_41E8_1D5F7D5836CA.title = LEED-Certified Buildings window_D0892880_C30E_2A7F_41DF_2038A6E54AA1.title = History: Keeping the Welcome Up-to-Date window_D08D874E_C302_E683_41E3_9831C141A422.title = Facilities window_D2D305BA_C302_E583_41CE_08EFDFA1EA0D.title = Baling Waste and Recyclables window_D3B415EA_C302_2583_41D4_3742FB1AE8D9.title = Sandia Architecture Through the Years window_D3DF319A_C306_1D83_41AC_EDAD4D10AF0C.title = Fun Fact: Endless Maintenance window_D67E7B22_C302_6E83_41AD_9607AC33AB9C.title = Waste Management window_E27F3BF7_F371_6B68_41ED_3AD07F40AB74.title = Variety is the Spice of Culinary Experience window_E977A36D_E6B1_BDC2_41DA_D14808E15355.title = Lean Green Belt ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_00A3D0E4_1C79_BC32_41A1_461F656A64B5.toolTip = Critical Skills Program HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_00B86927_1C69_AC3E_41AE_879D24743487.toolTip = Distance Learning HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_01067B73_1C78_AC16_41B2_C2BC88E30838.toolTip = Video: Hands-On Training HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0112C277_1C6F_BC1E_418A_2AE379FDBD14.toolTip = 24/7 Training at Your Desk HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0501DDD3_1C58_A416_41B3_79FA28FF8307.toolTip = Community Learning HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_053A3D23_1C69_E436_41A7_3EED232E8F67.toolTip = University of Texas Tuition Benefit HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_05F642D1_1C58_BC12_4185_04EA51B7CC1D.toolTip = Tuition Assistance Program HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_07330AC9_1C58_AC72_4146_8CA6BA6C271D.toolTip = Sandia Free University HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0768327E_1C5B_BC0E_41B7_EF73D2884605.toolTip = Learning Portal HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0A69B67E_1C28_A40E_41B1_F4AA39C0ADAF.toolTip = Mentoring Program HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0AB31D0F_1C2B_A40E_41A0_A9864FC93F48.toolTip = Leadership Development HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0C41250F_1C38_A40E_417A_AC939E882947.toolTip = History: Always Evolving Training Methods HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0EC4C02F_1D17_ABED_41B1_DC9E46B0D2B3.toolTip = Video: Augmented Reality Training HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0F76CCC8_1C2B_6472_41A3_A5A4F2FC9680.toolTip = Weapon Intern Program (WIP) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F941D35_13D8_A412_4181_DEBD2344D671.toolTip = Laboratory Services HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F942D35_13D8_A412_41B3_031EA9F4288B.toolTip = Freshwich HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F942D37_13D8_A41E_41A2_4BFDF3AF19F9.toolTip = Health Management Clinic HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F943D35_13D8_A412_41A4_8929A6808007.toolTip = This is Not a Shark Cage HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F943D37_13D8_A41E_41AC_501FD145F8EA.toolTip = Artful Spaces HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F947D35_13D8_A412_4196_C89D2F71C283.toolTip = First Stop HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F948D36_13D8_A41E_4189_4F0649DA63E5.toolTip = The Many Services of Fleet HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F948D37_13D8_A41E_41B3_52995A0AE6E9.toolTip = Just Follow the Color-Coded Zero Waste Wall HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F948D39_13D8_A412_41B2_B49BD46CDD87.toolTip = Fun Fact: Sandia Employee Recreation Program HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F949D36_13D8_A41E_4199_01901D842F37.toolTip = Fun Fact (That’s also useful) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F949D38_13D8_A412_4176_C8DE889331B8.toolTip = Preparing for Your Visit HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F949D39_13D8_A412_4175_8D92D5A71F1B.toolTip = Collaborative Spaces HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94AD36_13D8_A41E_41B1_72219D8D58DB.toolTip = Soup and Chili HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94AD38_13D8_A412_4199_52596499EFCB.toolTip = LEED-Certified Buildings HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94AD39_13D8_A412_4192_89D79CA450CC.toolTip = Video: Health Action Plans HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94BD36_13D8_A41E_41A4_4315403DB44A.toolTip = Clearance Office HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94CD35_13D8_A412_41A7_56FBC2D05A6C.toolTip = Grill HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94CD37_13D8_A41E_417B_FF0401B6E624.toolTip = Food that’s Fast, not Fast Food HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94DD35_13D8_A412_41AC_B82C638AFEB4.toolTip = World Station HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94DD37_13D8_A41E_41B2_8FDAE02A9283.toolTip = Salad Grab HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94ED35_13D8_A412_418A_1D49D371E027.toolTip = Video: Physical Therapy HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94ED37_13D8_A41E_4199_DC3E6E2AEFCE.toolTip = Video: Health Exam Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F94FD36_13D8_A41E_41A4_F1B075BCC6F5.toolTip = Decontamination Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F950D36_13D8_A41E_41AC_3A260EDF0B14.toolTip = Pizza of the Day HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F950D38_13D8_A412_41A7_13F185F3B3FE.toolTip = Fun Fact: Lemme See Your Poker Face HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F950D3B_13D8_A416_4168_6463206393AA.toolTip = Fun (and useful) Fact HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F951D36_13D8_A41E_41AF_5C8CFE38A407.toolTip = Variety is the Spice of Culinary Experience HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F951D3A_13D8_A416_41A3_F6590D5C3FF2.toolTip = Video: Construction HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F951D3B_13D8_A416_41A1_0E93334D3122.toolTip = Waste Management HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F952D37_13D8_A41E_417E_4564208F9686.toolTip = Fun Fact: Baling Waste and Recyclables HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F952D38_13D8_A412_419B_69E3E1761345.toolTip = Fun Fact: Virgin Pulse Program HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F952D3A_13D8_A416_41B1_A890920FCDE7.toolTip = Appointments HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F952D3B_13D8_A416_41AC_D53B506256A8.toolTip = Facilities HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F953D37_13D8_A41E_41B3_C8347D5CBD19.toolTip = The Writing is on the Wall HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F953D38_13D8_A412_41A8_2A1D1C92F74B.toolTip = Fun Fact: Saving Energy in December HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F953D3A_13D8_A416_41AF_CA9E90356F3C.toolTip = Occupational Medicine HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F953D3B_13D8_A416_41AF_F74B2D88D85D.toolTip = Design HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F954D36_13D8_A41E_41A9_DC5D710D7E65.toolTip = Testing…Testing HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F954D38_13D8_A412_41A6_FCAC771842C6.toolTip = Fun Fact: Keeping the Holiday Spirit HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F954D39_13D8_A412_41AC_5584B62E7524.toolTip = Behavioral Health HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F955D38_13D8_A412_41A7_A103D1B991C0.toolTip = Sttttrrrrreeeettttcccchhhh (ah, that feels good) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F955D39_13D8_A412_419D_B6281AEFDE8C.toolTip = Sandia Architecture Through the Years HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F956D36_13D8_A41E_41AF_2A2D826C89ED.toolTip = Working the Kinks Out HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F956D38_13D8_A412_417D_9986C8270A62.toolTip = Video: Preventive Health HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F956D39_13D8_A412_4176_EEA25754A71C.toolTip = Fleet Services HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F957D38_13D8_A412_417B_4816257F14C7.toolTip = A Morning Cup of Joe HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F957D39_13D8_A412_41AC_140708E52EC8.toolTip = Tap Here for Mindfulness HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F958D37_13D8_A41E_41B0_86D808601915.toolTip = No Smiles Allowed HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F958D38_13D8_A412_4185_AA63923D6A6F.toolTip = Keeping it Clean HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F958D3A_13D8_A416_41B3_56546937B760.toolTip = An Appetizing Preview HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F958D3C_13D8_A412_418B_4A19CBAD6556.toolTip = Video: Shake, Rattle and Stroll HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F959D37_13D8_A41E_41A3_0F063138F735.toolTip = To the Tailgate Winners go the Spoils HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95AD39_13D8_A412_419F_444F0BFE749D.toolTip = Case Management HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95AD3A_13D8_A416_41B1_C7E4F3E54376.toolTip = Shaking Things Up HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95AD3C_13D8_A412_4188_C2594215F832.toolTip = About those Kids HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95BD3A_13D8_A416_41A3_C13B35BA2C70.toolTip = Fun Fact: Stretch bands HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95CD37_13D8_A41E_4194_58157C7F1BC2.toolTip = Food4Life HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95CD3A_13D8_A416_41B3_3E470CE290F0.toolTip = Customized to Meet the Need HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95DD37_13D8_A41E_4162_DBA79380E924.toolTip = Customer Service Appointment Check-In HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95DD38_13D8_A412_4191_49D23C0636B4.toolTip = Time for an Update HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95DD3A_13D8_A416_41A6_A2A0156887F8.toolTip = A Nudge in the Right Direction HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95DD3B_13D8_A416_418F_A31C850A9C80.toolTip = Online Ordering for Next Day Dining HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95ED38_13D8_A412_4199_839C0D30A2B7.toolTip = Who Can Use Sandia Medical Clinic HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95ED3A_13D8_A416_4195_8C1E9BCD8AE1.toolTip = Make your own Dagwood HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95FD37_13D8_A41E_41AA_DEAFDAC8CA78.toolTip = Know Your Badges HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95FD3A_13D8_A416_41AD_B20978A821C6.toolTip = Video: Transport Services HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F95FD3B_13D8_A416_41AF_99B7C9AC3BCB.toolTip = Showing How It’s Done HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F960D39_13D8_A412_41A7_B9D24C31A411.toolTip = Renovations, Modifications, Additions HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F960D3A_13D8_A416_41AD_B8C3E76BF516.toolTip = International Travel Clinic HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F961D3A_13D8_A416_41A9_FCF2D6AFAD89.toolTip = Onsite Pharmacist HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F961D3C_13D8_A412_419F_AE67BA39EF5C.toolTip = Fun Fact: Resources HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F962D3B_13D8_A416_419A_3566DCAD1DB9.toolTip = Fun Fact (or not so fun fact) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F962D3C_13D8_A412_41B2_2A3AFFF36127.toolTip = New Construction HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F963D3B_13D8_A416_4196_6D67566548DE.toolTip = Make it Fresh HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F964D39_13D8_A412_41A2_1C5A4579EE2A.toolTip = History: Keeping the Welcome Up-to-Date HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F964D3A_13D8_A416_4175_4C4549303E00.toolTip = Vegan/Vegetarian HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F964D3C_13D8_A412_413F_FFD445DFC3F8.toolTip = Kiosk Check-In HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F965D39_13D8_A412_41B2_9715AE913340.toolTip = It's not all Work and no Play HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F965D3A_13D8_A416_41B2_A7D6CD789C40.toolTip = A Sunny Future HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F965D3C_13D8_A412_41A6_5494F07AE916.toolTip = Allergy Clinic HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F966D39_13D8_A412_4185_B419D960EB10.toolTip = Fun Fact: A Whole Lot of Clearance HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F968D3B_13D8_A416_419F_7F7BE97CC2B3.toolTip = Drug Testing HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F968D3C_13D8_A412_41B1_0E7CEF8F950C.toolTip = History: Tonopah Test Range Historic District HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F969D3D_13D8_A412_41AF_2D0E630CC40F.toolTip = Fun Fact: Endless Maintenance HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F96CD3C_13D8_A412_41AE_CC9237F9DB4F.toolTip = It’s a Busy Place HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F96DD3B_13D8_A416_41A7_C965C4842269.toolTip = Video: X-Rays HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F96DD3C_13D8_A412_41A2_2E1C5994BA28.toolTip = $6 Daily HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F96ED3B_13D8_A416_41B0_DA8602057D68.toolTip = Fun Fact: Flu Shot Clinic HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F96FD3B_13D8_A416_4193_74A1E319257C.toolTip = Energy Hubs HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_1F96FD3C_13D8_A412_4152_7BD75386F5B0.toolTip = Fun Nutritional Facts HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_22AB4843_32F5_7E0D_41C2_5D5848162847.toolTip = History: Military Liaison HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3C0DD62A_32F5_121F_41C4_39DE93C40ABA.toolTip = Fun Fact: Want to Teach? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_48D69E3F_5928_1351_41C9_77F5F08CBE80.toolTip = Superior Learning HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C1E31D37_D0A7_B5AD_41A7_DDFEBF83837A.toolTip = Lean Green Belt ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_1F94FD37_13D8_A41E_419D_87AD36F9FCB2.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/tours.html LinkBehaviour_1F955D36_13D8_A41E_41A2_64EF9F21F9FD.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/tours.html LinkBehaviour_1F957D36_13D8_A41E_416A_197793DFA087.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/support.html LinkBehaviour_1F95ED3B_13D8_A416_4175_2BC6CAD4A854.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/Infrastructure/infra_info.html