#: locale=en ## Tour ### Title tour.name = NSTTF ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_33711F51_3D9B_3042_41C8_5BBC76E1A7A1.html =
Microsystems and Engineering Sciences Applications (MESA)

Welcome to MESA, home of Sandia’s advanced nuclear weapons research, design and development functions, as well as integrated materials research, and the production facilities for microsystem technologies.

Focused primarily on the nuclear weapons mission, the facilities that make up MESA ultimately connect with all of Sandia's mission areas via microsystems research and applications.

After eight years of construction, MESA was completed in 2007 at a cost of $518 million. It was Sandia's largest construction project since the Labs' first permanent buildings were built in the 1940s.

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898 Lobby

Building 898 is a three-story, partially pre-fabricated, facility housing offices and light laboratories. Designed as an integrated facility promoting interaction among groups via workspace blocks, the building sports a postmodern, high-tech industrial design. The soaring lobby and high ceilings create an open and empowering environment for the design work housed here.
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Gowning Room

Clean rooms environments are kept clean both by limiting the volume of particles introduced to the space and by constantly moving the air to remove particles. Workers wear protective garments to reduce the number of contaminants they introduce to the room. This changing station allows staff to put on appropriate layers prior to entering a clean room; additional changing rooms allow for full changes of clothing.
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858 Lobby

Originally built in the late 1980s to house the Manufacturing Development Laboratory and its offices, Building 858 expanded significantly when 858EF (the MicroFab) and 858EL (MicroLab) were added as part of the MESA construction. The building houses wafer manufacturing, compound semiconductor fabrication, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) production, and electronic circuit manufacturing.
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The MESA Microsystems Fabrication facility is one of the most complex buildings at Sandia. It is the first in the world to combine silicon processing with fabrication of compound semiconductors under one roof. This is the heart of microsystem manufacturing, done primarily in cleanrooms.

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858 SiliconFab

Building 898 is a three-story, partially pre-fabricated, facility housing offices and light laboratories. Designed as an integrated facility promoting interaction among groups via workspace blocks, the building sports a postmodern, high-tech industrial design. Its polished stone and steel and glass exterior includes curvilinear walled ribbons of windows leading to the northeast entrance, and extended wings with sun-protecting louvered windows. The soaring lobby and high ceilings create an open and empowering environment for the design work housed here.
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898 Corridor

State-of-the-art videoconferencing and stunning projection capabilities make the VIEWS Corridor a prime viewing and sharing spot for scientific computing displays. Output from the visualization tools used in Sandia's high performance computing arena can be projected in 3D. The area is a magnet for VIP visits and tours.

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858 Photolith Lab

Sandia maintains a clean room outside of the MicroFab area for its photolithography processes. This allows the MESA workers to develop and maintain customized processes without disruption to the manufacturing effort.

### Tooltip Image_4B679893_40F0_1B47_41CD_B75F2E07DBC5.toolTip = Close ## Media ### Description album_A3A52D8B_AFE0_C1B5_41E4_4435D323BC4D_0.description = On this side of the Control Tower sits the High Bay. The High Bay serves many purposes. album_A3A52D8B_AFE0_C1B5_41E4_4435D323BC4D_1.description = It's a machine shop, where researchers can fabricate anything they need for the Solar Tower. album_A3A52D8B_AFE0_C1B5_41E4_4435D323BC4D_2.description = While the space isn't lab certified, it occasionally hosts some tests of its own. In this photo, a test is being conducted on a prototype hydrogen production system. album_A3A52D8B_AFE0_C1B5_41E4_4435D323BC4D_3.description = Researchers can make repairs here, take care of welding jobs, and build test units. album_A6CEAA6F_A8AF_C34D_41C7_A1C7412D84D9_0.description = The lamps are positioned inside elliptical reflectors that collect the light and reflect it down to where the samples are placed. When all four lamps are running they can achieve around 1200 suns of peak flux. album_A6CEAA6F_A8AF_C34D_41C7_A1C7412D84D9_1.description = The energy is focused into a spot that's about an inch in diameter. Ninety-five percent of the energy is focused into that one spot; giving new meaning to the term "hotspot." album_A6CEAA6F_A8AF_C34D_41C7_A1C7412D84D9_2.description = Some tests don’t need the power of the tower, but they do need precision. The Robotic Test Facility is where samples of materials, called coupons, are tested on a smaller, more precise scale than what is done in actual Solar Tower. album_A6CEAA6F_A8AF_C34D_41C7_A1C7412D84D9_3.description = This facility simulates the intensity of sun with multiple lamps, each with an output of 1800 watts. album_A6CEAA6F_A8AF_C34D_41C7_A1C7412D84D9_4.description = The robot’s job is to safely expose the material samples to the intense energy of the sun-simulating lamps. The robot arm will grab each sample in sequence, expose it to the intense energy of the lamps, and then place it back to cool. It can do 12 test samples in a single run. album_A6CEAA6F_A8AF_C34D_41C7_A1C7412D84D9_5.description = One test ran 3,000 cycles, over several days of testing. It ran 1,000 cycles per day before pausing to inspect the samples to see how they were degrading. Typically, the sample substrates are stainless steel or tungsten and they’re coated with a material the customer wants to test. Usually customers want to know how durable the coating is. album_A6CEAA6F_A8AF_C34D_41C7_A1C7412D84D9_7.description = The robot grabs the sample, puts it on standby, then puts it in the flux, takes it out, puts it on standby, lets it cool, and then grabs the next sample. It will keep going until it reaches the number of cycles programmed for the test. album_ACB30B48_B907_B677_41DF_8B75240ACBA5_0.description = These pipes can run nitrate molten salt at 585 degrees C, but it can be upgraded with nickel base alloys to get to 850 degrees C. album_ACB30B48_B907_B677_41DF_8B75240ACBA5_2.description = Most molten salt loops run around 300 kilowatts or lower. This one runs at 1.4 megawatts. The reason it's so robust is because it was going to be a test bed for industrial scale molten salt test systems. album_ACB30B48_B907_B677_41DF_8B75240ACBA5_3.description = Down below, behind the tower, is another unique testing facility. The Molten Salt Test Loop facility is used to research the use of molten salts with concentrated solar power. It is also helping to advance some research with nuclear energy, making it a valuable research facility. This series of impressive looking pipes is helping researchers explore the unknowns of using instrumentation in conditions above 500 degrees C and the effects of corrosion when using molten salts at high temperatures. album_ACB30B48_B907_B677_41DF_8B75240ACBA5_4.description = The molten salt test loop is a closed system, this means that the salt runs through a continuous thermal dynamic cycle while testing is taking place. The loop has a heating side with 1.4 megwatts of power to get the salt to 585 degrees C, a pumping section that reaches up to 161 psi, a cooling section with 2 megawatts of cooling capacity, and a test section. Salts goes from heating to condensing to pumping to storage back to heating in a continuous a loop. As it flows through this loop, different instruments can be tested at different temperatures along the loop. album_F191706C_FEDA_042D_41D7_E4155395DEC7_0.description = That data reveals how well the mirror will perform out in the field. If the mirror is not the optimal shape, it’s possible to change the shape of the mirror before putting it in the field. The system tells how much adjustment each mirror needs to get the shape needed. album_F191706C_FEDA_042D_41D7_E4155395DEC7_1.description = Mirrors at the Solar Tower need to have the optimum shape in order to produce the maximum amount of energy with the most efficiency. The Optics Lab measures mirrors to assess whether or not they have the truly optimum shape. album_F191706C_FEDA_042D_41D7_E4155395DEC7_2.description = To do this, a camera is attached to the wall that looks at the mirror while the mirror reflects what’s displayed on the wall. A projector displays several images of lines and, using the magic of mathematics, a computer calculates the pixels from points on the wall to points on the mirror and back to pixels reflected at the camera. album_F191706C_FEDA_042D_41D7_E4155395DEC7_3.description = The computer maps those, take the bisector, and creates an angle on the mirror. This program can calculate the shape profile of the mirror point by point, and with this set up it can assess the entire mirror all at once to a high degree of accuracy and resolution. In fact, a million points on the mirror are measured in under a second. photo_57481EC8_45B2_827D_41B9_D180662D1641.description = In 2005, President George W. Bush visited the tower before signing the Energy Policy Act. (photo: from left to right Senator Jeff Bingaman, Sandia Lab Director Tom Hunter, Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman, President Bush, Senator Pete Domenici) ### Title album_A3A52D8B_AFE0_C1B5_41E4_4435D323BC4D.label = The Do-It-All Shop album_A528C551_B7D0_20FC_41E0_4AC55AE1088E.label = Foundation album_A6CEAA6F_A8AF_C34D_41C7_A1C7412D84D9.label = Testing with Robotic Precision album_ACB30B48_B907_B677_41DF_8B75240ACBA5.label = Melting Salt for Power album_AFA282B5_B7B0_61A4_41E2_3CC7AF666121.label = Taking it to the stage album_B8289CE5_A8E0_477D_41E1_C601F95C845F.label = Famous Visitors album_BC32C47D_ADD0_20A4_41D4_7EAEFF2CA41E.label = Solar Tower History album_CFE08D69_DC4A_3225_417D_31BACFCF7084.label = Forty Years and Counting album_F191706C_FEDA_042D_41D7_E4155395DEC7.label = How to get 20/20 Vision album_F4D9E011_E48A_34B6_41EC_249808A913D4.label = Photo Album Solar Dish album_F4D9E011_E48A_34B6_41EC_249808A913D4_1.label = Solar Dish-Engine map_30D89A3F_3CF2_8213_41BC_135EF5D33857.label = Solar Map panorama_1AC2514F_1396_B85D_41AE_E6FBD5F09016.label = Heliostat Field panorama_1AC26CA3_1396_88C5_41A0_C3171C33559C.label = Inside the Tower panorama_1AC2721F_1396_FBFD_4181_5396D20C0322.label = Top of the Tower panorama_1AC276E3_1396_9845_41B2_485C6A15D7AE.label = Control Room panorama_1AC2873A_1395_B9C7_41A6_75960CE38F04.label = Solar Furnace photo_5072075A_4595_821D_41CC_8E206CE67B94.label = Solar_tower_final_4 photo_51614C28_44F5_863D_41D0_8F2F33B6B220.label = Solar Reserve photo_56F2E15F_44FD_9E13_41BF_435DD2D01FD6.label = Solar Eclipse photo_57481EC8_45B2_827D_41B9_D180662D1641.label = Bush Visit Solar Tower photo_5807A41C_4CD5_FC5B_41D1_00042D87995E.label = Caibrating the Sun photo_5815722D_4CDD_7475_41CC_E14A264AF306.label = Rich_solar photo_58264949_4C2B_B43D_41D1_5BC9F09471D2.label = Just A Second photo_586E5798_4CDF_DC5B_41D0_D29DEA4F67C7.label = Solar Furnace photo_58B90E51_4CD5_AC2D_41B8_6BDCBD969C44.label = Maintenence on Tower photo_5C383580_4C5F_7C2B_41BD_9C7F421C9677.label = Solar Receivers photo_5CAAED22_4C55_6C6F_41B3_F6E766A277D9.label = 9A4A3614 photo_5CB9381F_4C5D_B455_41C8_DAAA9DC103DE.label = 8 Inside Solar Tower photo_80601F69_90A6_B3FD_41CB_59DE29C91D18.label = Room for More photo_80B9353A_909B_B75F_41D5_002D80BF2E25.label = Future Possibilities photo_9F1E0692_90A5_B52F_41D1_91E47FDDEDE5.label = Rooftop photo_A22FD9AB_ADBF_E3AC_41E4_9ACB81CFEDC6.label = 9A4A3562 photo_A2CE5142_BF06_F27B_41E0_ECCB2A5EBC32.label = 9A4A3516 photo_A3481E45_B701_8E79_41E1_6D4767704AD4.label = 9A4A9264_foil close up photo_A34BA8B4_B902_921F_41E6_56283B41A808.label = 9A4A3587 photo_A46AAECF_B702_8E09_41CB_21D13813A16F.label = 9A4A9262 photo_A4806122_B71E_723B_41E3_D2AA84CD8EBC.label = 9A4A9281 photo_A4BE0E00_B702_B1F7_41DF_D0327CC5714C.label = 9A4A9247 photo_A623FE2F_BF0F_8E09_41D7_582E5019B20B.label = Chu photo_A6431D23_BF01_F239_41E5_771A0FFAE1F8.label = 9A4A3580 photo_A70F2EAB_B7F0_61AC_41E4_37217D6E44DA.label = nsttf-tour-bg photo_A7CCB66A_B701_BE0B_41D0_D00E271AF30E.label = Mirror Curves photo_A89C78B8_B7D0_21AC_41E0_4207A1A4362C.label = 9A4A3608 photo_AE790955_B7B0_60E4_41DB_6D402C678E36.label = 9A4A9265 photo_AE8A2F83_B902_8EF9_41D5_7655C0DA4A71.label = 9A4A3592 photo_AF2D234F_B7B0_60E4_41B3_2508230E32A6.label = solarwheel photo_AF79A91A_B7B0_606C_4193_7A1D055D5C56.label = 9A4A9272 photo_B8CBDC4A_AB39_F8F7_41DC_4F98964AD992.label = Super Moon King Kong photo_B9939AF5_A8A1_C35D_41E0_2005B8C35891.label = 9A4A3628 photo_BAE72E70_AB58_7893_41E1_03BFEDA85287.label = Turn Up the Heat photo_BD952267_AFE0_437D_41E1_69E60549D8E3.label = 9A4A5061_retouched photo_BDA940C3_AFE0_5FB5_41DE_898D4E03AAF7.label = 9A4A5068 photo_BE07999E_ADD0_2064_41C2_89C397321EE3.label = 9A4A3598 photo_C928F315_DC4E_D7ED_41CF_66EA74CF3B43.label = EdgarCentralReceiver1982_6920a05 photo_CA3C8986_DBDA_32EF_41DE_A185A189D606.label = OwlsOnTower1990_90076 photo_EB47114B_E48E_14AA_41DE_3D6832CCCFDF.label = 9A4A5053 photo_F148670D_FEAA_0DEF_41E5_5FBDF830F5BC.label = 9A4A5064A photo_F18A69E1_FEEE_0457_41CE_6EE43524169B.label = 9A4A3537 photo_F62719F3_E4FA_177A_41D9_AB1F49B0FCC5.label = 9A4A5067_retouched video_A34F8662_B902_BE3B_41D1_73370F1EB1C7.label = M99 R&D100 Falling Particle Receiver 03_17_16 video_A4107719_B70E_7E09_41CB_5D629E4FFA97.label = SolarThurmusShutters video_A4BF7DFD_B707_9209_41DF_59F8C55DBDE9.label = SolarFurnaceCond video_A50C11FC_B7D0_63A4_41CB_6AADA65FB73B.label = TowerTimelapsBeingBuilt video_A55AA1FC_B7D0_63A4_41DA_219AE8F6A3AF.label = SolarTunnel video_A8185FC8_B7D0_1FEC_41C3_3C617914C92D.label = TowerDoors opening- video_AB741182_B7D0_205C_41B9_BCDCA8E4BDFE.label = Tower interior video_AEC96DE0_B90E_9237_41CC_C0943B5331E2.label = SolarRobotLab video_EB5F0026_E48A_149A_41C9_35C9D474E1CC.label = 1977Video video_F1F0D0D7_FEEA_047B_41DC_6684CD29F3FE.label = Heleostats timelaps video_F5C84A7C_E4FA_156E_41E4_57A112E21942.label = SolarTowerControlRoom ## 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Most solar tower arrays aren’t built for experimentation, but to generate electricity. However, even though Sandia’s solar facility focuses on science and discovery, it could work like a standard Concentrating Solar Power plant. There is a steam turbine in the tower, though it isn’t functional anymore. Part of the reason it isn’t used anymore is it’s pretty expensive to generate electricity every day; there needed to be someone in the control tower, someone out in the field to make sure the generator worked right, and someone to operate the power block. The logistics of all of that were cost prohibitive, thus the Solar Tower was quickly designated a research facility. The generator is still located in the tower.
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The mirrors in this heliostat field are beautiful, but they can also be dangerous. Looking at their reflection of the Sun even briefly can cause blindness. The reflections can also be problematic for airplanes passing over head. The real danger is in the focal length, or the distance from the center to the focal points. That’s the point where the energy is fully concentrated, and thus the most dangerous. Outside of that point, things might be a bit warmer and uncomfortable, but not immediately life threatening. For safety purposes, heliostats are pointed at the ground when not in use, and an exclusion zone exists to the East; no one is allowed in that zone as the heliostats are moved into position.
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In a falling particle receiver, these ceramic sand-like particles fall from a hopper at the top of the receiver tower. As they pass the focused solar energy from the heliostat array, they heat up and fall into a collection tank. The hot particles are then released into another tank as energy is needed for power generation. Used thermal-storage particles, which are now much cooler, are then released into the lower tank where an elevator with a scoop returns them to the top of the tower to start the process over.

The goal of this experiment is to reach greater than 90% thermal efficiency and particle temperatures of at least 700° C. The hotter the temperature, the more energy that is available and the cheaper it is to store it. Finding a way to cheaply and efficiently store thermal energy directly, such as in these heated particles, will help solar plants to produce power at night and even on cloudy days.
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Test and data acquisition can be managed from the Control Room, but for tests that require more up close and personal attention, there’s this little shed at the top of the tower. It houses its own set of data acquisition and processing equipment, and also houses infrared cameras. The shed serves another, more practical function; it provides protection for observers when tests are being conducted, without requiring them to retreat all the way back to the Control Tower.
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The Bob Edgar Solar Furnace first came online back in 1982. It was initially installed to calibrate solar instrumentation for the Central Receiver Test Facility (the Solar Tower). It wasn’t really named after Bob Edgar, but he did have responsibility for the new function, which achieved temperatures up to 5000 degrees.
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From this control center, the amount of energy from the Sun that actually enters the furnace can be precisely regulated. The angle of the heliostat and the degree to which the attenuators are open are both controlled from here. This is also where the data from the numerous sensors and cameras are collected, not to mention that this is really the only safe place to be when the furnace is operating.
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No, your eyes do not deceive you, that is aluminum foil; the same stuff you use to cover a baking dish in your oven at home. Here, aluminum foil is used to protect the pyrometers from incident radiation and from the extreme temperatures. If there’s convection on the outside of the sensors, the temperature measurements can be way off, especially if radiation is coming from the stage during a test. Hence, that handy aluminum foil, which turns out has more uses than covering your casserole.
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The Solar Tower is 200 feet tall, with an elevator that extends down 30 more feet, and a foundation that extends even deeper into the ground. The hole for the Solar Tower’s foundation was so deep it took a continuous line of cement trucks 14 hours to pour an endless flow of concrete for the foundation.
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These slats are called attenuators. They control the amount of light from the sun that’s allowed into the solar furnace; anywhere from zero to 100%. They flap up and down, not unlike mini-blinds, only on a much larger scale. Sunlight is reflected off a heliostat behind the attenuators onto the mirror inside the furnace building, which narrowly focuses that energy onto a stage where samples are placed for testing. Warning: Don’t get in the way, even SPF1000 sunscreen won’t be enough to protect from sun burn—or worse—when the furnace is being used.
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As the solar furnace doors open, the immense, mirrored dish looms, almost making one want to break out into a super-villain laugh of evil: “Behold the power of this fully operational Solar Furnace!” Bwahahahahahaha!
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The 260 foot test level is an open style test level that is exposed to the outdoors. It can accommodate large test articles and achieve high flux levels during testing, reaching temperatures equivalent up to 2,000 suns. In the past, this level has housed static test articles for exposure to high thermal flux.
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Construction of the Solar Tower used a method known as “slip forming.” The form at the top of the tower was constructed first, and then it was jacked up for each successive concrete pour. Essentially, the top of the tower was built first and the rest of the tower was built beneath it. Watch how the top of the tower seems to rise from the desert in this fascinating time lapse from the tower’s construction.
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The Solar Furnace isn’t just for testing terrestrial materials, it can also help test materials for space. This facility can test items either at high pressures, up to 100 psi, or down to a near vacuum, using either compressed or inert air. That atmosphere can then be heated up by the furnace in order to test environmental dependencies for sample materials, thus helping to determine if those materials are suitable for extreme environments, such as the final frontier.
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There are only two solar furnace test facilities like this in the world, one in Spain and one here. The one in Spain is getting ready to shut down, which means this facility will soon be one of a kind.
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The shutters on the attenuator can open and close quite quickly, making it easy to shine the light on a test object, or not, in a matter of seconds.
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The biggest tests at the solar tower go right to the top…of the tower. For example, Sandia tested the prototype falling particle receiving system here. The system examined whether ceramic particles could be a solution for storing energy cheaply (as opposed to storing energy in batteries, which can be expensive). The particles drop through receiver, flux (watts per meter squared) comes into the receiver from the heliostat field and the particles absorb the thermal energy. They then fall into a hopper and are diverted to either be reheated or into a thermal storage container. The heat is transferred through a heat exchanger to a heat transfer flow to generate electricity.

The system seen here is prepping to do measurements for thermal efficiencies, that is, a measure of the amount of heat supplied to the system compared to the amount of heat rejected by the system. This particle receiver has recorded thermal efficiencies of up to 80%.
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This facility has the capability to test at much higher energy levels than at the tower and heliostat field. The amount of flux; or the amount of incident energy per meter squared, is about 6,000 Suns; or 500 Watts per centimeter squared. The general large solar field maxes out at around 2,800 Suns. Why the big difference? It all has to do with scale.

The tower uses the field to create and focus a beam that’s around one meter in diameter. At the solar furnace, the spot is only around five centimeters, giving it a much higher concentration. Typically, initial tests on materials are done at this facility before moving to larger scale testing on the tower. Testing is done here just about every day; it’s easy to set up and less costly than using the field. Sometimes the customers only want to test here because it’s cost effective, and with some test materials, scale doesn’t matter as much; testing a small sample is just as effective as testing a large sample would be.
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Beneath the tower, under the field of mirrors, there is darkness … that is, there’s a really dark tunnel that runs from the tower to the control facility. The tunnel’s main function is to run cables between the tower and the Control Room. However, it also provides access to the facility during inclement weather and can be used as a safe way to escape the tower during dangers such as lightning.

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Only the biggest tests got to the top. That is, the top of the tower is used for testing large items. It has two characterization/test stands, such as this one, that can be oriented to the heliostat field for direct exposure testing. Flux levels up to 2,500 Suns have been achieved. Sample size can be 3 ft. x 5 ft. or bigger depending on how much heating is required on the samples.
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This console is used for data processing. There’s also a camera on this side; its feed shows up in the center console and is a tool for the beam characterization system. When the heliostat flux is put on the target, this system can produce an image of the flux on the target to see what the flux distribution looks like. When a sample is in a fixture, it’s important to make sure the flux profile is properly centered. The camera helps test controllers move the spot created by the heliostat field so it will correctly match the flux profile being tested.
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The different panels—or individual mirrors—on the dish are called facets. To produce the intense energy needed for testing, each facet has a certain amount of pressure placed on its corners to make it concave. This process is called canting. Each individual corner of each facet has to be canted precisely long before a heliostat (such as this one) is placed in the field. The process is done on a smaller scale at the Optical Lab.

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It only takes about ten minutes to align all the mirrors for a test, and once they are, they focus reflected sunlight into a concentrated point that can be the equivalent 400 Suns. This piece of aluminum was melted in just 23 seconds by using around half of the heliostats in the field. Imagine how quickly it could cook your s’mores!
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The Solar Tower facility covers 117 acres. The heliostat field takes up eight of those acres, which may look and sound pretty big, but for this type of facility, it’s actually small. Because this is a test facility, it’s much smaller in scale than a commercial facility. Most Concentrating Solar Power plants use between 370 acres and 790 acres; much of it used by the heliostat field that surrounds the tower in every direction. Sandia’s Solar Tower field is located only on the north side of the tower.
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They look flat, don’t they? But they aren’t. Mirrors in a heliostat field such as this need to be concentrators. To do that they need to be a very precise parabolic shape (or a u-shaped curve with specific properties). If a mirror is flat, it can’t concentrate the Sun’s power; instead, it just reflects it back. With the proper curvature, the entire heliostat can focus its energy on a smaller spot. In an actual power generating system, refinements are controlled by robots, which precisely give each heliostat the right curvature to effectively concentrate the Sun’s power. This is especially important for operating Concentrating Solar Plants as the heliostats may be up to a mile away from the tower. Accuracy in the canting or tilting of the mirrors is vital to efficiently produce power.
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In the vastness of the New Mexican high mesa desert, it can be hard to appreciate the scale of the National Solar Thermal Test Facility, or as it’s more commonly known, the Solar Tower. Against the back drop of the Sandia Mountains, the tower may not look it, but it’s actually 200 feet tall, and extends another 100 feet under the ground. Within the tower there are three test bays, and tests can also be performed on the very top of the tower. A huge, three-story elevator lifts items weighing up to 100 tons to the top.
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The 240 level (so named because it is 140 feet above ground level) is the middle test level at the Solar Tower. This level is a unique facility with an integrated wind tunnel that can provide forced convection cooling at 0.3 Mach across test samples exposed to high flux conditions (up to 1,200 kW/m2). The facility has a high-speed shutter to expose samples with a 0.5 second ramp and decay rate producing a pseudo-square flux impulse profile. It has a calibration panel for measuring power input on a sample, data acquisition and instrumentation capabilities, cooling water (up to 1 MWth), and pressurized air. This test level has been used to test experimental material samples and hardware under extreme conditions, such as high heat combined with high wind, so pretty much like a typical New Mexico afternoon.
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The lowest test level at the solar tower is at 220 ft. This level has a large opening to accommodate larger test articles and is capable of exposing samples to heat fluxes as high as 2,000 kW/m2. It has a calibration panel for measuring power input on a sample, data acquisition and instrumentation capabilities, cooling water (up to 1 MWth), and pressurized air. This test level has been used to test experimental receivers, including a recent LDRD funded project looking at the geometry of the receiver tubes on optical efficiency.

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200 feet is pretty high, but to truly appreciate just how tall this tower is, nothing compares to being inside and then staring into the black abyss, wwwwwaaaayyyy down at the bottom. Warning: this video probably isn’t for those with issues with heights or vertigo.
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Moving 100 tons of equipment up 200 feet is no easy feat, and certainly not something to be done quickly. It takes a full working day, or eight hours, for the elevator to make its way to the top. Coming down, it takes 10 hours; after all, one wouldn’t want 100 tons of equipment to descend too quickly. As the elevator comes to the ground floor, it actually extends down 30 feet into the ground.
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The Solar Tower does some big experiments, and it has a big elevator to get those experiments to the top of the big tower, so it only makes sense it would have a big door to wheel those experiments through. This massive door is 60 feet high, but don’t worry, King Kong rarely makes a visit here.
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The stage is the platform where samples and materials are placed for testing. The stage is covered with several gauges and sensors for data collection. It has flux gauges as well as a range of pressure, temperature, and flow sensors for measurements. There is also a camera mount giving the facility the ability to conduct high-speed photography, along with infrared (IR) cameras to look at the IR spectrum. In the middle of the dish there are more high-speed photography cameras, along with temperature pyrometers, regular cameras, and IR cameras.
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This contraption is used to raise up test items to expose them to flux from the Heliostat Field. Smaller items, such as the Christmas tree shown in the video, are raised up and have the Sun’s energy focused on them for just a few seconds before things really get scorching. One of the goals of these tests is to determine how large materials respond at extreme heat flux conditions and to identify differences in ignition conditions for different materials.
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Much like in the center of the dish, there are sensors and cameras located throughout the facility to better capture readings from IR sensors to video from a vast array of high-speed and real-time cameras. In essence, an experiment can be monitored and recorded from a whole array of angles, providing a huge amount of useful data.
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Much like Benjamin Franklin’s legendary kite and key, these spikes are used to attract lightning. They provide lightning grounding and isolation, essentially diverting lightning away from other critical gear on the high solar tower. In 2004, there were tests done with a bigger pole right next to the tower that was intended to attract direct lightning strikes to explore how to redirect them. The current spikes around the top of the tower are for safety, not research.
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The line in the middle of the photo marks the shutter system, in which two doors open and close in less than a second, just long enough to heat something up. The system is used to do a lot of modeling and materials testing; for example, the high insulation RSLE board can take over a 1000 degrees Celsius of heat.
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Not every test takes place up here on the top of the tower. Some tests need to be done on a smaller scale. That’s why the Solar Tower complex also has facilities like the Robotic Testing Facility. Here, a robot assists with small-scale material testing by exposing small samples (called coupons) to intense heat.
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Almost every year, Sandia hosts Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day. What’s the best way to demonstrate the awesome power of the solar furnace to a bunch of kids? By burning stuff, of course. For instance, researchers can set up a demo that burns a hole through a brick, turning it to glass as it does so. The kids may not remember all the science, but they won’t forget the burnt brick with a hole in it. Or making cookies with a solar oven, but keep a close eye on those; kids don’t like sun-burnt cookies.
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To make sure the incoming flux (watts per meter squared) from the heliostat field is properly focused, this calibration panel is used before testing commences. The panel measures the amount of incident energy the heliostats are producing and makes sure it’s at the proper level for testing. The calibration process can produce incident energy so intense that a cooling system is needed to keep the calibration unit from overheating. The cooling system uses a refrigerant similar to what is used in your car for the A/C. After the calibration is made, a target can be set in place for testing. Targets have ranged from trees for the forest service to tiles for the space shuttle for NASA and various items for the military.
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The solar furnace only uses one heliostat that’s 95 m2, and one reflective dish that measures 6.8 m in diameter. That’s big enough to produce 16 kW of total thermal power, and a peak flux of 500 W/cm2. That’s plenty of power for investigating the thermophysical properties of materials when exposed to concentrated sunlight. It’s also enough power to simulate the thermal effects of a nuclear explosion.
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A quick glance out this window reveals a couple of impressive dishes. The dishes are similar to the ones used at the Very Large Array in Socorro, New Mexico, and while they weren’t really meant to be used this way, at one point, mirrors were going to be placed on the surface to see if it was possible to get them to behave as dish reflectors. The intent was to set up a solar furnace arrangement, hence the attenuator sitting near where a heliostat was potentially going to be placed. A dish concentrator was set up, but the effort never went anywhere. For now, this area awaits future possibilities for how it might further the research being done at the Solar Tower.
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There are 212 working heliostats in the field with 25 mirrors each. How do researchers keep more than 5300 mirrors clean? Let nature do the work. Both rain and snow keep the mirrors clean, with snow being more effective because it slides off the mirrors as it melts. This is good, because keeping those mirrors clean would require a huge Windex® budget. Nature is cheaper, and just as effective.
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This field of mirrors is known as the Central Receiver Test Facility. The 212 heliostats can direct up to 6 megawatts of solar thermal energy on to the tower and test object. If this facility were to generate power, it could produce around 1 megawatt of electricity, or about enough to power 500 homes on a bright sunny day.
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In order to take full advantage of the best time to catch and focus the sun’s rays, testing takes place in a fairly narrow window within plus or minus an hour of solar noon. Solar noon is when the sun is highest in the sky. During day light savings that’s around 1 p.m., the rest of the year the window starts at noon, Mountain Standard Time.
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A standard day in the control room consists of setting up and executing tests while working with partners and customers to collect and analyze the data. The test director/operator orients the heliostats for the test, and then explains to the team what the process and steps will be. They also interact with customers on the testing and the data being collected. Typically, there is a lot of repetitiveness to the testing as it mostly consists of putting heat on and off something. Customers can observe testing from the control room, and the site is set up on its own local network—not connected to any Sandia network—so customers can pull data as the test is happening.
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There aren’t a lot of trees in the desert plains of New Mexico, so where is a bird to nest? On occasion, they choose one of the tallest structures around: the Solar Tower. In the past, owls have made the tower their home, which presents a unique set of challenges because their nests can’t be moved, at least not legally.
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When the details of the Central Receiver Test Facility were presented in 1975, there wasn’t another facility like it in the world. This original concept facility began construction 1976 and was completed in 1978. In 1984, a new Distributed Receiver Test Facility was added in a space near the tower. Additional experiments and test bed technology were added over the ensuing years, and the overall facility continues to evolve.
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In July 2018, the Solar Tower celebrated 40 years of research and scientific advancement as a unique facility for energy R&D. As a part of the festivities, participants helped recreate a photo from the tower’s opening forty years before.
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During a visit to the Solar Tower, you may notice these yellow barrels sitting around. Unlike their cousins, the infamous orange barrels of road construction, these barrels don’t mark construction zones, but rather where other heliostats were to be placed and could still potentially be placed in the future. All the heliostats are on the north side of the tower, but there are some of these barrels on the south side, reflecting earlier considerations of implementing a more traditional Concentrating Solar Power plant, which would typically have heliostats on all sides.
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Up on the roof there isn’t a chimney for Santa, but there is a bunch of solar instruments. One helps track the Sun using a two-axis gear system so it can stay fixed on the Sun throughout the day and provide precise information on its location. There are also several video cameras; one focused on the tower, and three more point in each direction of the compass, thus the tower is provided visuals in 360 degrees.
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This is where the entire field is controlled. The heliostats can be precisely positioned to focus energy on any of the three levels of the tower, or at the testing platform at the top.
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It doesn’t take long to get these mirrors to snap to attention; usually it’s 10 minutes or less and they’re aligned and ready to shine. It’s a beautifully choreographed display of movement with a powerful conclusion (quite literally, since the end result is focusing the power of the Sun).

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A heliostat is an instrument consisting of a panel of mirrors that is moved to reflect the Sun’s rays in a fixed direction. In the case of this facility, a heliostat consists of a panel of 25 mirrors laid out in a grid, all properly aligned to concentrate the Sun’s energy on a fixed point.
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Each heliostat (or you can just call them mirrors if you want, though that’s a bit of a misnomer) is a composite structure. The glass on top protects the reflective surface. The reflective surface is a silver substrate which is highly reflective and useful for directing sunlight in the direction needed for conducting experiments. Finally, the back of each panel has glass with copper backing. The copper backing helps reflect any light that happens to go through the silver substrate so as much energy as possible is captured.
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These switches look impressive, and complicated, but they serve a very simple yet critical function. They are failsafe switches, meaning if the heliostats are doing something weird, like suddenly spinning around for no reason, they can be shut down and put in a known position as a safety measure. A quick flick of a switch prevents a heliostat from doing something it shouldn’t and protects workers who may be in the field.

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When the Solar Tower was first built in 1977, not only was it a one-of-a-kind facility, but its full potential and capabilities still had a long way to go before being fully realized. Take a trip back in time to see how it all got started with this video.
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The Control Room is the central nervous system of the Solar Tower facility, and everything from the heliostats to the test bays in the tower itself are controlled from here. The heliostats can be controlled individually or as an entire field from this room, depending on how much flux needs to be focused on the tower.
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The center console is the data acquisition program. This system collects real-time data during a test. It also records the data so it can be analyzed later. This station has a collection of voltage inputs that measure how hot a sample is getting during a test. The shutter system for the 240 test bay is also controlled from here.
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Among the other facilities on the grounds of the Solar tower is the dish testing facility. This area allows other companies and industry partners to set up systems for long-term reliability testing and evaluation. There are currently 16 dishes being tested in this area, along with two Sandia-developed solar dishes used for research purposes.

### Title window_51AB179E_4592_8215_41C3_55445935D331.title = Generating a Spark window_8C4C9116_B90E_921B_41CE_A9F7E9BF52EA.title = Small Particles, Better Energy window_9BCEFD29_B907_9209_41CC_30F26E43CFD8.title = Hail to the Chief window_9D696BF0_B902_B617_41A5_32D78C4CEB14.title = Testing with Robotic Precision window_9DA2F145_B903_F279_41CD_12B91136E24D.title = The Do-It-All Shop window_A23519C3_BF07_9279_4197_9DF966ACCE60.title = Danger Zone window_A32C06B9_B903_9E09_41E3_8146CCC1D6D8.title = The Sands of Energy window_A350B843_B901_B279_41E3_4528D273D3EA.title = Close to the Source window_A3CF785A_B701_920B_41DA_E7F76877306B.title = Different Name, Same Function window_A40740DF_B71F_B209_41DE_45D76C758BB5.title = Controlling the Sun window_A45C4959_B702_9209_41D7_3A63720F643D.title = From your Oven to the Sun’s Oven window_A4968E5D_B7F0_20E4_41D0_23EFE63ACF69.title = Deep and Tall window_A4ADF0D2_B701_921B_41CD_32912FD33D1A.title = Let the Light Shine In window_A4BE9E56_B706_8E1B_41D7_236578B712BC.title = Reveal the Deathray window_A4FF2388_B7F0_606C_41D4_2968CB4BEE9D.title = Testing in the Great Outdoors window_A5010AEB_B7D0_21AC_41D0_58979C028507.title = Going Up window_A5021E31_B706_8E19_41E4_D74B63E768A6.title = Testing for Space window_A51A9680_B702_9EF7_41AF_EA2FDC0F0F72.title = One of a Kind window_A524B736_B70E_7E1B_41E1_3E56EA18AE0D.title = An Open and Shut Case window_A537F967_BF7E_B239_41C2_71AE7A727513.title = Testing at the Top window_A56460C1_B7D0_61DC_4181_8AB819F14E79.title = Journey into Darkness window_A5743CB5_B702_7219_41C5_627B1F03BAB0.title = Turning up the Heat window_A5873AA8_BF02_7637_41D3_1EBDBF7ED04A.title = Testing Large window_A6266E2F_BC77_68F4_41CB_78C4D14E7455.title = What the flux is going on? window_A64B596A_B701_920B_41BA_DA4FC692FE99.title = Staying Focused window_A6D781DA_BF02_720B_41E0_0CD648C795EA.title = It’s Like Having Heat Vision window_A753FADC_B7F0_61E4_41D9_4E1A148AABF0.title = Covering a Lot of Ground window_A7E3E99A_B702_920B_41CD_E24EB39E8967.title = It’s All About the Curves window_A7FA9F01_B7F0_605C_41A0_ACD76C7965C9.title = The Lone Tower window_A8A28123_B7D7_E05C_41E4_3849471BAAE1.title = Totally Tubular! window_A8AE40EC_B7D0_21A4_41CF_01E52F201B44.title = Getting Breezy window_A8F12A5C_B7D0_60E4_41D5_94B138DBDA1F.title = It’s a Long Way Down window_AA0E60B7_BA7F_AC9C_41D0_E0DAD983AEA4.title = How to Get 20/20 Vision window_AB3EC2A8_B7D1_E1AC_41E5_03ACCD209BD5.title = Non-Express Elevator window_AB46478C_B7DF_E064_41E2_ADE14C42BE35.title = What do they have in there? King Kong? window_ACF952CE_B7B0_61E4_41E4_D612E04DD163.title = Taking it to the Stage window_AD39443E_B903_F20B_41E5_8EBDCF344D45.title = Melting Salt for Power window_AD84EBFD_B91E_9609_41D2_F63A5B001262.title = Get Ready to Burn window_AE6515F3_B7B0_23BC_41D2_D2A3D747B2AA.title = Sensors Everywhere window_AE769092_B902_B21B_41D1_9ABD8214B747.title = The Ben Franklin Effect window_AEA0D43E_B906_920B_41CD_BFD0C8301B05.title = Just a Second window_AEC493FA_B90E_960B_41C4_6782CA75DDEB.title = Testing with Precision window_AEE5E64A_B7CF_E0EC_41C4_329D48A5AC4B.title = Making an Impression by Burning Stuff window_AF3416A6_B903_BE3B_41BA_A59F9C500813.title = Calibrating the Sun window_AF709A92_B7B0_607C_41E1_EA9299174BBB.title = We Won’t be Needing a Bigger Dish window_B85AD4D0_AB38_4993_41D7_F4449B5FE9AB.title = Just Hanging Out window_B8B4151F_A8EF_C6CD_41BA_E05C44132B5F.title = Future Possibilities window_B9379FA6_A9A0_41FF_41CD_BD4D57A6B0A9.title = That’s a Whole Lot of Windex® window_BE010177_ADD0_20A4_41CF_1724D5F4269F.title = The Field window_BE1B866B_ADD0_20AC_41CA_58BE897F7C01.title = Prime Time to Catch Some Rays window_BE59534A_AFE0_42B7_41CE_ACC9FA7E7FCD.title = Just Another Day in the Sun window_BE65E782_ADF0_605C_41DB_B4641F62BE69.title = Almost as Good as a Really Tall Tree window_BFEB7C7D_ADD0_20A4_417E_A4C9F878263E.title = An Original Concept window_CE638A1A_DC3A_31E7_41E6_DEBB132B96A7.title = Forty Years and Counting window_CF8937BA_DC5A_5E27_41C1_998907CD616C.title = Room for More window_EB883C0E_E49E_6CAA_41E9_06E65364854C.title = Up on the Rooftop window_F083D012_FEAE_03F5_41EC_D1AF6725D1E1.title = Control Room window_F104E126_FEEA_05DD_41E1_2D330A83E1EB.title = Video: A-tteeeennnn-TION! window_F12C6CC8_FEDE_1C56_41B8_21C323ADA4A2.title = What is a Heliostat? window_F1D8BA27_FEEE_07DB_41EC_FC4D20D5B4BF.title = What’s It Made Of? window_F4B54280_E48E_1596_41AD_C7A0D8C7BC80.title = Safety is Just a Switch Away window_F4F65FB3_E48D_EBFA_41DA_8B8754343AA9.title = In the Beginning… window_F53B73B1_E4FA_1BF6_41DC_DC52D20254FE.title = The Center of the Solar Tower Universe window_F59C138E_E4FB_FBAA_41DB_216B0C50B4D9.title = Data Collection at its Hottest window_F5B3CBC7_E4F6_6B9A_41DC_AA5CB9E823A3.title = Testing, testing, is this Sun On? ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotMapOverlayArea_9EC360F1_94A7_12F1_41DA_552B87E073BD.toolTip = Inside the Tower HotspotMapOverlayArea_9EC390EF_94A7_1111_41DE_23FB3FBE1452.toolTip = Control Room HotspotMapOverlayArea_9EC4B0ED_94A7_1111_41DC_8668B011022A.toolTip = Top of the Tower HotspotMapOverlayArea_9EC4D0EE_94A7_1113_41CE_610D0B5507C2.toolTip = Heliostat Field HotspotMapOverlayArea_9EC530EC_94A7_1117_41DB_98798ED5A56F.toolTip = Solar Furnace HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC200EF_94A7_1111_41D3_1D3762BFF79B.toolTip = Video: Get Ready to Burn HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC200F0_94A7_110F_41E0_7CF26635FCFD.toolTip = Just Another Day in the Sun HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC210F1_94A7_12F1_41DA_C356391AE50D.toolTip = Heliostat Field HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC230F1_94A7_12F1_41A7_311019E01073.toolTip = Staying Focused HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC240EF_94A7_1111_41D6_CFC3EA533E9F.toolTip = Taking it to the Stage HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC250F0_94A7_110F_4191_CCF60334F050.toolTip = The Lone Tower HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC260EF_94A7_1111_41C8_7D5184C7FD7E.toolTip = Fun Fact: Non-Express Elevator HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC270F0_94A7_110F_41E1_0E2EB6DD8D88.toolTip = Inside the Tower HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC300ED_94A7_1111_41B8_EBA36606C785.toolTip = Control Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC300EE_94A7_1113_41DE_8402992BBBDB.toolTip = Heliostat Field HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC310ED_94A7_1111_41E1_3F5634E50112.toolTip = Safety is Just a Switch Away HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC310EE_94A7_1113_41CB_B06BADCFCD1B.toolTip = Slide Show: How to Get 20/20 Vision HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC310F1_94A7_12F1_41BD_8249988A0518.toolTip = Testing, testing, is this Sun On? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC320ED_94A7_1111_41B1_513C6863D4A9.toolTip = It’s All About the Curves HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC320F0_94A7_110F_41C4_1A520E7A2D5D.toolTip = Top of the Tower HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC320F1_94A7_12F1_41E2_4A6B5FDDAA67.toolTip = Totally Tubular! HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC340ED_94A7_1111_41DA_CD1A4D8272F7.toolTip = Top of the Tower HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC340EE_94A7_1113_41E0_BC7E250B109B.toolTip = What the flux is going on? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC340EF_94A7_1111_41CC_BA8EB1DF861A.toolTip = Data Collection at its Hottest HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC340F1_94A7_12F1_41C2_0CAFB7EB721D.toolTip = Room for More HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC350ED_94A7_1111_41B2_457FBA14552D.toolTip = We Won’t be Needing a Bigger Dish HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC350F0_94A7_110F_41CA_3DD9DBDDF355.toolTip = Testing at the Top HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC350F1_94A7_12F1_41E0_1F8D1CC8AD5F.toolTip = History: Forty Years and Counting HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC360EE_94A7_1113_41DC_11ACF0CBF4C1.toolTip = Calibrating the Sun HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC360F0_94A7_110F_41B5_034051499E99.toolTip = History: An Original Concept HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC370ED_94A7_1111_41DB_9D15F71615AC.toolTip = The Field HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC370EE_94A7_1113_41A3_3C0B124FE5A5.toolTip = Just a Second HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC370F0_94A7_110F_41D4_8F3F7C3995D9.toolTip = Fun Fact: Almost as Good as a Really Tall Tree HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC370F1_94A7_12F1_41DE_0590CF002BD5.toolTip = Fun Fact: One of a Kind HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC380EF_94A7_1111_41E0_FC0A5B8A70BD.toolTip = Fun Fact: That’s a Whole Lot of Windex® HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC380F0_94A7_110F_41D7_99CBBBAFF58E.toolTip = Video: Going Up HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC390F0_94A7_110F_41CA_76772CF6F176.toolTip = Close to the Source HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3B0EF_94A7_1111_41CE_AAA54886EB4E.toolTip = Testing for Space HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3B0F0_94A7_110F_41D6_997649527C16.toolTip = The Sands of Energy HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3C0EF_94A7_1111_41C9_16A3AB6FCB9C.toolTip = History: In the Beginning… HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3C0F1_94A7_12F1_41D2_A19A2EE767D4.toolTip = Covering a Lot of Ground HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3D0F0_94A7_110F_41D2_E5AA439CB2EC.toolTip = Video: Small Particles, Better Energy \ HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3E0EF_94A7_1111_41D4_7FC69C3D2AD3.toolTip = Just Hanging Out HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3E0F0_94A7_110F_41DA_A3E86D290288.toolTip = Fun Fact: Making an Impression by Burning Stuff HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3F0EF_94A7_1111_41CA_549259D16B67.toolTip = The Ben Franklin Effect HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3F0F0_94A7_110F_419B_3EA389DE4035.toolTip = Fun Fact: It’s Like Having Heat Vision HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC3F0F2_94A7_12F3_41A2_CEF5393CB71E.toolTip = Testing Large HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC400EC_94A7_1117_41D9_1EBF1D879520.toolTip = History: Deep and Tall HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC410EC_94A7_1117_4149_7103CCE57928.toolTip = Controlling the Sun HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC410EE_94A7_1113_41DC_756FB3AE9498.toolTip = Video: Testing with Precision HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC420EC_94A7_1117_41D4_5ABE5D9D9C1A.toolTip = What is a Heliostat? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC440EC_94A7_1117_41D3_53018970408F.toolTip = Fun Fact: Prime Time to Catch Some Rays HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC440ED_94A7_1111_4193_C5E8968F1EBE.toolTip = Control Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC450ED_94A7_1111_41D1_754355B87E05.toolTip = Heliostat Field HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC460EE_94A7_1113_41D3_534A7A3DC2B6.toolTip = What’s It Made Of? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC470EC_94A7_1117_41C5_CD875A8A9A5D.toolTip = Video: An Open and Shut Case HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC470EE_94A7_1113_41D3_6380930ACFEF.toolTip = Video: Journey into Darkness HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC480EE_94A7_1113_41DB_42E3688E407F.toolTip = History: Different Name, Same Function HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC480EF_94A7_1111_41C2_4A696AEE5480.toolTip = Sensors Everywhere HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC490ED_94A7_1111_41C1_7ECF61821A78.toolTip = Video: What do they have in there? King Kong? HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC490EE_94A7_1113_41DF_62CCA322CF09.toolTip = Video: It’s a Long Way Down HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC4A0EF_94A7_1111_41C7_7B2AE085298A.toolTip = Getting Breezy HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC4B0EE_94A7_1113_41D1_E5FA77904745.toolTip = Video: A-tteeeennnn-TION! HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC4B0F1_94A7_12F1_41C0_12F27497AF7F.toolTip = Fun Fact: Danger Zone HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC4C0EC_94A7_1117_41BD_19967B317D9C.toolTip = Let the Light Shine In HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC4C0EE_94A7_1113_41BF_95225C164CF9.toolTip = Fun Fact: Generating a Spark HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC4E0ED_94A7_1111_41C3_EEC62A9504C7.toolTip = Slide Show: The Do-It-All Shop HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC4F0EE_94A7_1113_41D9_DC33EB2D2941.toolTip = Turning up the Heat HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC500EB_94A7_1111_4187_529596A07B4D.toolTip = Video: Reveal the Deathray HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC520EB_94A7_1111_41B3_38ECE12418D4.toolTip = Future Possibilities HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC540EB_94A7_1111_41B8_C643E3AC7789.toolTip = Up on the Rooftop HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC550EB_94A7_1111_41C5_0AA58052FD6D.toolTip = Control Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC560EB_94A7_1111_41DD_488A3545A137.toolTip = Video: The Center of the Solar Tower Universe HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC580EC_94A7_1117_41C1_97B90B9BC13B.toolTip = Slide Show: Testing with Robotic Precision HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC5A0EC_94A7_1117_41D6_6016863D8E49.toolTip = Fun Fact: From your Oven to the Sun’s Oven HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC5A0ED_94A7_1111_41B7_47D9CA123EAA.toolTip = Solar Furnace HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC5B0EC_94A7_1117_41DC_17AE37483DC3.toolTip = Control Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC5E0EC_94A7_1117_41D0_DA7896E291C0.toolTip = Testing in the Great Outdoors HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC6A0EB_94A7_1111_41D8_025A5A78F09B.toolTip = History: Hail to the Chief HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC6D0EB_94A7_1111_41E0_AE29C01F08A0.toolTip = Inside the Tower HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_9EC6F0EB_94A7_1111_41A5_ABD804F4F23B.toolTip = Slide Show: Melting Salt for Power ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_9EC270EF_94A7_1111_419D_F873E3DCE724.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/tours.html LinkBehaviour_9EC3E0F1_94A7_12F1_41D1_318D19F98092.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/nsttf_info.html LinkBehaviour_9EC450EC_94A7_1117_41D5_BD9E52D37554.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/support.html LinkBehaviour_9EC5D0EC_94A7_1117_41E0_1C7CF702D820.source = http://tours.sandia.gov/tours.html