
There's more to Sandia's campus than experimental labs, testing facilities for creating giant firestorms, and ranges for blowing stuff up. Sure, all of that is exciting and helps to advance the state-of-the-art in many of fields of research, but it takes more than just cutting-edge laboratory facilities to help a national lab function. Sandia's mission couldn't happen if the workforce didn't have the proper, underlying framework to help them go about their important daily activities. After all, experiments wouldn't happen if researchers were too hungry to conduct them. Good thing Sandia has some great dining options to keep the workforce fueled and healthy.

The labs also have a variety of energy hubs designed to help the workforce maintain a healthy work-life balance, have a place to relax and release stress from their day, and even provide a private place for nursing mothers. Of course, all of this is moot if employees can't even get to work, hence the vital function of the badge office where Sandia workers, contractors, and visitors can get the proper credentials to access the amazing Sandia facilities. Not to mention that Sandia also supports its staff with first-rate medical services, training courses for vital skills, facilities management that maintains our test sites, buildings and grounds, and so much more.

You want to know what makes Sandia National Laboratories work? It's the people, and Sandia works hard to support those people in the best ways possible. Take a walk through some of these campus services and see for yourself.